Chapter 6

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I yawned and stretched as I slowly became aware of my surroundings. I looked around and saw that I wasn't in my apartment. Instead I was in Kendall's condo, on her couch. I checked my watch which told me it was almost 9am. I looked down at my lap and saw my pretty girl sleeping on my lap. I smiled softly, remembering last nights events. When we had gotten inside Kendall's home, we ate a whole carton of ice cream and watched a movie together. Apparently we fell asleep before it ended. Kendall still didn't tell me what her surprise texts were last night so I'm hoping she'll tell me today.

I ran my fingers through Kendall's hair before carefully getting up from the couch. I decided to make her some breakfast for when she woke up. I started whistling while I cooked and before I knew it, something was leaning against my back. I looked behind me to see Kendall resting against me.

"Good morning, sunshine," I smiled at her.

"Good morning, Y/N. Breakfast smells really good." she said as she kissed my shoulder softly.

"Thank you, I did it especially for you." I stated as I placed the pancakes on two plates.

We sat down at the table across from each other and began eating.

"So what was it that you wanted to tell me last night?" I asked.

She set her fork down and looked at me, "Well remember when I told you I had to take care of some things before our date? Well my mom and I made some calls and we managed to get you a spot in the Calvin Klein shoot coming up next week. They said that they remembered you and understand the circumstances that caused you to drop out of the previous shoot. They're willing to give you another chance, there's just one condition."

My eyes widened. How did she do this? I had always wanted to do this. This had been my dream since I was a teenager. I nodded vigorously.

"Your shots all have to be with me. They know this is your first shoot in two years and since all the paparazzi have placed us on a pedestal, they think it would be best if we do it together. I know it's nothing like having your own shoot but I just saw how sad it made you whenever you talked about how you had to quit so I just-"

I cut her off with a deep and meaningful kiss from across the table. I kept it brief because I still wanted to talk, "Kenny this is perfect. You are perfect."

I reached for her hand from across the table and held it, "A photo shoot with my girl sounds like the perfect way to possibly start doing this again. You are my girl right?"

She blushed and nodded which made me smile, "Good because I can't see myself with anyone else. I can't believe you did this for me. This is amazing, you are amazing."

I leaned over one more time and pecked her lips. I checked the time on my watch.

"Damn I gotta pick up Bodhi from Kourtney's. I gotta go but I'll text you."

I kissed her cheek and ran outside with my keys to go pick up Bodhi.


The shoot was scheduled the following Saturday. Kendall had invited Bodhi and I over to Kris's house for breakfast the morning of so we could all spend time together and I could take Kendall to the shoot.

When Bodhi and I arrived, Kylie was the one who opened the door. When she did, Bodhi instinctively hid behind my leg and I rested a hand on his head.

"At last we finally meet." She said with a smile on her face.

I reached my hand out and we shook hands. I introduced her to Bodhi but he kept up his facade until he saw Kendall walk downstairs.

"Is that speed racer at the door?" Kendall yelled as she saw Bodhi run to her and hug her. I smiled wide as I watched them.

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