"Get this goddamn thing off of me before I wring that skinny neck of yours!" You ordered.

"Ha! You can't even reach my neck from down there. Now be a good doggy and go sit down. This is punishment for walking off."

You glanced at Dash and Rey, silently begging for help, but they were all torn down, trying to conceal their laughter. Growling, you turned back to Papyrus.


Yelling at him took even more of your breath and you were now heaving. This was bad. Not only were you being treated like an animal, you felt like one too. You panted like a dog. Papyrus laughed at you and you stamped your foot.


"Hey, what's all the yelling f-"

You turned sharply to see Sans rubbing his eyes drowsily. He caught sight of you and a red blush covered his face. Lord knows what he was thinking.

"Wow (Y/N), that's a good look on you. What'd you do?" He asked.

You growled and stamped into the living room, falling onto the ground with legs folded and pulled out your phone from your pocket. You tried to drown your embarrassment with Wattpad but your so-called 'friends' kept the torture alive.

"Ya know (Y/N)... if we got you some wolf ears..." Dash lolled.

"Oh and a tail!" Rey added.

"SHUT UP!" You barked. *pun intended*

You buried your face in your knees and glared into the fire, hoping they could see it reflected in your eyes and think it was your burning rage. You felt a hand rest on your head and rub your hair. You moved your gaze to Frisk as he pet your hair. He stilled for and second and looked you straight in the eye.

"Good puppy."

Roaring like the Godzilla you secretly were, you leapt to your feet and stamped to the room Toriel left you in previously. Papyrus tried to grab you as you passed him but you warded him off with an actual growl. You'd almost forgotten about your crutch. Your bag over your shoulder and crutch under arm, you retreated to the room.

You slammed the door behind you before anyone could come after you. Locking it, you flipped on the lights and threw your bag on your bed. You growled curses under your breath as you sat on the bed. At the beginning of your day, you were happy and at peace. Now you were sweaty, red-faced, and embarassed. You weren't genocide kinda mad, like you'd kill them all. Who'd ever do that? But you were irritated out of your wits. You dug through your bag and removed a changed of clothes along with some deodorant and wet wipes.

There's no way you were going back out there for a while. So bathing by wet wipe it was. You opened the wardrobe and used a full length mirror hanging within the door to examine yourself. You removed your shirt and looked into its reflective surface. You scrubbed away any grime you spotted on your torso.

After applying deodorant and shrugging on your new top, you pealed off your pants, careful with your leg. Quickly you washed down your limbs and replaced your clothes. Your only remaining pants wear skinny jeans, which left an issue. You couldn't wear anything over your injured leg, but your couldn't bunch up the leg of this one. Rolling your eyes as your irritation increased, you tore off a large distance of the pant leg. They were now shorts on one half and jeans on the other. Looking in the mirror, they didn't actually look too bad. Really what bothered you was the goddamn collar.

You pulled it away from your next and looked at the already forming bruises. The soreness began to return and you popped two more pills. Almost instantly they went to work, filling you with relief. As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you started to calm. Your face had returned to its original color and you'd caught up on oxygen. Your eyes wondered curiously as you mulled over your thoughts, namely on what Dash and Rey had said. You glanced in the mirror, wondering guilty.

Rescue (UnderFell!Sans X Reader Fanfiction) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن