I Wanna Touch Paradise

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Credit to Chainsmokingnun on archive of our own.

This one contains smut and it is an AU where Peter is a woman.


Wade snuck into Spidey's apartment like he always did when he came back from a long mission. It was the dead of night and while Penny had given him a key, he didn't want to wake her up. Penny was curled up in the corner of the couch, glasses riding low on her nose, chocolate brown hair a messy crown around her youthful face. Her chest rose and fell as she snored lightly.

The boxes mumbled their appreciation of the adorable, sleepy, spider-person. Wade picked her up, careful not to wake her up. Once again, he was surprised at how light Penny was. He'd seen her, as Spiderman, go toe-to-toe with monsters and men ten times bigger than her. But Deadpool still saw her a tiny, defenseless spider.

[You remember that time she almost snapped our neck?]

{With those gorgeous thighs?}

[Definitely not defenseless.]

"Best way to die," He mumbled as he carried his girlfriend off to bed. Her eyelids twitched, eyelashes fluttering to reveal sleepy brown eyes.

"Wade?" She mumbled, rubbing her eye with the sleeve of her oversized sweater.

"The one and only, baby girl," He brushed his masked lips against her hairline.

She hummed in approval, "What time is it?"

"Around one o clock."

"In the morning?"

He nodded, sitting her down the bed. She pulled him into the mess of sheets, curling herself into him. Wade savored the warmth, the smell of whatever flowery shampoo Penny used wafting into his nose through his mask.

"Wanted to wait for you," Her hand was suddenly on the seam of his mask, "I want to talk to you."

[Oh shit.]

{That's never good}

[She's leaving us.]

{Who do you think it is?}

[Harry Osborne?]

{Johnny Storm}

The boxes rattled off names back and forth, each one chipping at Wade's trust and self-esteem. He'd never been good enough for her, ever. Why would she stay with him when she had much better options?

"About?" When had his mouth gotten so dry?

She pulled off his mask with no warning. His eyes screwed shut as he exhaled. Penny's lips gently brushed his, "This. Wade, look at me."

He dared to. Brown eyes staring up at him. Penny's face was open with awe and warmth and love.

She wasn't Cable. She wasn't Vanessa. She wasn't Shiklah.

She was sweet, honest, heroic Penelope May Parker.

[God, even her name sounds wholesome.]

"I want to see all of you, Wade," Her fingers intertwined with his, "And...you can see all of me too. If you want."

His heart was hammering almost as hard as it had when Penny had first taken off her mask. Not even the Avengers knew Spiderman was a woman, but Penny had trusted him with her secret. And Wade did not disappoint.

But she hadn't seen the full extent of his scars. How much more could she take before she got sick of him?

"You wouldn't like what you see, baby girl," he chuckled weakly, "I'm not exactly Ryan Reynolds- "

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