Those Lovebirds Are Gross

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Credit to Etilevram on deviant art.

This one is actually really funny and I enjoyed reading it so much lol.


"Psst, Peter," Wade whispered from his spot crouched in the tree, Peter in the bush below, Spiderman mask practically frowning up at him.

"Shh, Wade! You're gonna get us caught," he scolded softly, glancing back at the factory they were ordered to keep an eye on.

"No, but Petey, it's important," Deadpool insisted.

"Shut up, Wilson," Wolverine growled, his claws slicing out threateningly from where he knelt next to Deadpool's tree.

"But, Peter!"

"Fine, what?" he sighed, peering back up at him.

"...I love you."

Peter obviously smiled behind his mask, and he tipped his head to the side. "Aw, I love you, too."

"Oh, would you two shut up!" Logan snapped, rolling his eyes, and complaining into his communicator, "Why'd I get stuck with the lovestruck idiots?"

"Because I'm the leader of this mission, and I believe you'll be able to handle them," Captain America's strong voice replied, but then paused before adding, "And, Peter, I don't want any make-outs on this mission, you got it young man? Or else you're grounded."

Spiderman huffed in annoyance. "Yeah, yeah, whatever Pops. Tell Dad he should start worrying about his own dang life, okay?" he answered into his own communicator.

"HEY, I just don't want you two getting distracted, okay- This is a mission we're on," Iron Man retorted. Wade let out a groan, hopping out of the tree to land beside Peter, ignoring Logan's objections.

"This assignments bogus, anyway," he muttered, pulling up his mask up to his nose for some fresh air. "Fury just sent us here on a wild goose chase. He's probably up to something. Wants us out of the way."

Peter shrugged. "Dunno. Still nice to spend quality time with you, though," he purred, leaning into his boyfriend. Wade chuckled, popping a kiss on Spiderman's cheek. Logan snorted in disgust.

"Guys, it's starting," he grumbled into the com. Tony immediately snapped.

"Wade, get your dirty, grubby hands off my son."

Deadpool groaned. "Ugh, I can't show any simple affection to my own boyfriend without being accused of sexually assaulting him!"

"Wade, keep your voice down," Peter whispered, pulling up his mask to his noise because, let's face it, that thing gets stuffy.

"And to be honest, Wade, most of the time you are sexually assaulting him," Hawkeye finally spoke up, and Natasha chipped in.

"Yes, you both don't try to be discreet at all."

Wade smirked. "Well that's because I know Peter likes it," he snickered, stealing a kiss now that Peter's lips were exposed. They all groaned into their communicators, and Wade could practically see them wrinkling their noses. He huffed a laugh while Peter smiled to himself. "Aw, Peter, c'mon. Say it. You know you like it."

Tony growled into the com, "Don't you dare, Peter."

Spiderman felt his lips turn into a smirk. "Well, you know what. I do like it," he confirmed, and he jumped at the rage in Iron Man's robotic voice.

"Peter, so help me I will stop this mission right now, drag you home, and lock you in your room forever, forbidding you from seeing that asshole ever again!"

"Tony," Steve tried to cut in, but Peter was already arguing.

"Dad, you always do this! I love Wade, and you can't do anything about our relationship!"

"Oh jeez, I did not sign up for this," Logan muttered, sitting down with a defeated sigh.

"I can do whatever I please with Wade," he said finally, turning back to his boyfriend, pulling off his mask to gaze affectionately at him. "I love him." Wade pulled off his mask as well, smiling sweetly.

"I love you, too, kiddo."

They leaned into each other, kissing, and Wolverine let out a disgusted groan.  "Oh god, guys they're doing it again- They're not separating."


"Oh- ugh guys seriously this is disgusting."

"You just don't understand young love," Natasha added, letting out little huffs of laughter. Hawkeye wasn't even trying to hold in his.

"Guys this is like the best mission I've ever been on."


"Tony, maybe we should cancel the mission? It doesn't seem like anything's happening in the factory," Steve suggested.

"No, guys keep you're costumes on- oh jesus-"


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