Netflix and Cream

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Not mine and I couldn't find the author on the website so I'm not sure who to credit.

This story mainly focuses on Stony (Steve/Tony) and there's just a little bit of Spideypool at the end but I enjoyed this one a lot :) .


One would think in a place as big as Avengers Tower a couple, or a single individual, would be able to find privacy and respite from the noise of the city and of other people; well: easier said than done. On a daily basis, the Tower was inhabited by active or ad honoris members of the team; on an ad hoc basic, the Tower could be inhabited by the entire frigging super population of the US and the Commonwealth. There was always someone that needed the attention, and, most importantly, there was always someone that apparently needed Steve to solve a midlife crisis, a "with great power comes great responsibility" crisis, or "a wifi is not fast enough crisis" – in that instance, they only needed Steve because he was the only one that could breach such a subject with Tony without being thrown out of the room in a blast of repulsors – and it goes without saying, my precious readers, it would always be either Clint or Thor trying to play Clueless on a dodgy streaming website.

So, when Jarvis told Steve and Tony no one – NO ONE – was in that night, they looked at each other and after so, so many years together, no words was needed. They both knew what to do and they went at it without hesitations.

Ten minutes later the home cinema where Tony had installed leather "bed-couches" and every amenity know to men and human-like aliens, resembled a kid's party food table: Tony had went out in the suit to get the best gelato place of the city. When Tony had started coming to get ice cream from them, they started making Iron Man and Captain America flavours and Tony always liked to go there in person and make those bunch of fanboys and girls real happy, he was that good, also: Iron Man Gelato #lifegoals.

Steve had made popcorns, got licorice candy, the stash of candy corn he kept hidden because Clint was kind of addicted to it, also sodas for him, coffee for Tony.

The screen was black and red, a glow promising many pleasures, pleasures they could rarely afford to enjoy.

They looked at each other and shared a look of mutual entente. It was now or never.

"Hit play, babe".

"Tony, you need to promise you'll let me watch it without your commentary, okay? We can talk about it later."

Tony made a noise of protest and put some pop corn in his mouth muttering a very stifled "I'll try, Cap", that didn't sound convinced at all.

Steve sighed, and also smiled. Silence was nice, Tony's endless stream of chatter over a tv show or a movie was nice as well. Silent Tony was always sad Tony and that was probably n. 2 in Steve's no good list after injured Tony out on a mission.

Halfway through it Steve could see Tony twitching "mmm". He was even making a strange noise of disgust. "Come on, Steve, look at that, that helmet squeezes his cheeks like he's a squirrel, he could have just gone for a full plate and a voice scramble, instead of doing that Batman raspy voice, that gotta hurt". Tony was very serious about it, as opposed to Steve who couldn't care less. And Tony kept going on and on and on until when Steve couldn't take it anymore gave him a playful kick on the side of his thigh and tried to sneak his frozen toes under Tony's crossed legs.

"Woa, there there Capsicle. Married yes, son yes, personal heater? Thank you, no?"

Steve was lying on the couch, one foot was now on the side almost on the floor, another one was in Tony's hand, Tony was regarding it with interest and fascination then he seemed to find his resolve, and regarded Steve with a predatory look.

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