Thunder In The Bedroom

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Why not celebrate part 69 with some smut?!

P.s. This was not written by me but I couldn't find the author >:(


Peter climbed through the open window quickly, his suit slick with rain and clinging to him like a second skin. He took off his mask and rung it out with a pout, why did it ALWAYS rain when he was on the opposite side of the city? Wade walked in from the kitchen, two bags from Taco Bell in hand and a smile on his permanently scarred face.
"I got us some dinner, Petey. Wow, you're soaked!" Wade exclaimed, tossing the greasy bags onto the end table and making his way to Peter. Wade rubbed a gnarled hand through Peter's mop of cocoa-brown hair and kissed the young man. Peter kissed back, happy to be out of the rain, and better still- with Wade.

"Jeez, your suit is even tighter around that majestic ass, how is that even possible?" Wade chimed, a mischievous twinkle danced in his gorgeous blue eyes.

"Not sure. But, this suit needs to come off, I'm freezing." Peter replied, smiling as Wade's face lit up with glee.

"I can warm you up, web head." Wade teased, running his strong hands over the sides of Peter's toned abdomen. Peter smiled, blushing lightly. He knew Wade wouldn't pass up this golden opportunity to strip him down.

"I don't care if the tacos get cold, do you not see Petey all wet and sexy in front of us? Exactly, so shut up." Wade said to the 'boxes', another thing Peter had grown accustomed to since he started dating Wade. A deafening blast of thunder made Peter jump, he never liked thunder much- not exactly afraid but it was unnerving.

Wade noticed his reaction and said "I know how to make thunder sexy."
Peter looked at him with an amused grin, wrapped his strong arms around the merc and said "Show me."

Wade's expression became one of pure bliss, he began to kiss Peter, first the lips, then the neck. He slid Peter out of the drenched shirt of his Spider-man suit and continued kissing a trail down to just under Peter's bellybutton. "See Petey, the trick to thunder is realizing when it blasts outta the sky- like that jet I crashed that one time, no one hears anything but the boom." Wade explained, now kissing Peter's neck and playfully nipping his shoulder. Peter moaned lightly, his silk hands running under Wade's tee shirt.

"I can make you scream, and beg, and moan as loud as you can but all people hear is the boom." Wade whispered, helping Peter to take off the tee.
"Do it, Wade. Fuck me." Peter groaned, feeling Wade's erection against his own.

Wade growled playfully and carried Peter into the bedroom, never breaking their stream of kisses. Peter leaned back into the bed, now tugging at Wade's jeans and beginning to unzip them slowly, making sure to rub Wade in all the right ways. He finally stopped teasing and yanked them down fast, noticing Wade had on a lime green thong- which was useless at the moment. Wade giggled and said "I bought them today, you shoulda seen the lady's face- priceless."

Peter chuckled, even in the heat of passion Wade never missed a chance to try and make him laugh. Wade then slid the pants of Peter's suit off, noticing Peter hadn't worn undies, and figured he was finally starting to rub off on him. Peter sat on the bed and pulled Wade closer, then slid down to take the thong off with his teeth, resulting in a loud purr from Wade.

Unable to take anymore teasing, Wade pulled Peter close and aligned his throbbing cock with Peter's glorious ass. "You ready to scream, Spidey?" Wade cooed. "Hell yes." Peter moaned. Wade forced himself into Peter slowly, watching the distorted face of pleasure and pain that Peter was making. Peter rocked his hips to force Wade deeper still- and gasped loudly. "Fuck, Petey, I love when you do that!" Wade exclaimed, now taking Peter's cock into one hand, pumping up and down to the rhythm of his thrusts. Peter began to groan louder and louder, his body craving the merc's touch. The storm outside worsened, and with each crackle of thunder Wade went deeper and faster, making Peter finally lose it and begin yelling in pleasure.

Wade put his lips on Peter's neck, nipping and sucking as he stroked him from the bottom of the shaft to the pre-cum covered head, adoring the sounds he made. "Wade, holy fuck, I can't go much longer!" Peter screamed as another flash lit up the sky and sent the sky rumbling. Wade didn't respond, he just fastened the pace even more, now yelling too. They came at the same time, panting and grinding to keep the feeling going.

"That was fucking amazing." Peter exclaimed, running his hands over Wade's chest.

"Hell yeah it was, I told you I'd warm that ass, didn't I?" Wade responded, still a little breathless.

They laid in the bed together, Wade had wiped the cum off his stomach and was now holding Peter close. "The storm stopped." Peter noted, realizing the rain had calmed to a drizzle and the thunder grew farther and farther away.
"It gave up because I'm the only one who can make you scream like that." Wade said matter-of-factly. Peter smiled, Wade was right, and now he couldn't wait for the next thunder storm to come.

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