Chapter 21- Like We're Made Of Starlight

Start from the beginning

Three big smiles from Liam

Four hugs from Liam

Three kisses on the cheek from Liam

Eight kisses on other parts of the face from Liam.

Okay,..what else should he add? Or is it already enough? Niall pondered for second, and taking a sniff of Liam's sweater, and immediately, a few ideas popped out for him to add into the list.

Four kisses on the lips from Liam

Two snogs from Liam (He felt really naughty writing that)

A kiss during the roller coaster ride from Liam

“Neil!!” Joel's small cherry voice erupted in the room, breaking his concentration.

“Hey Joel,” He greeted the small boy back. He put all his pens and papers on the bed so he could open his arms for the small boy. Instantly, Joel's small body crashed onto his.

“Hey buddy,” Niall hugged the boy that was burying his face in his tummy, his small arm wrapped around Niall’s torso.

“Missed you,” He giggled.

“But you’ve only been in the shower for ten, fifteen minutes,” Niall laughed, ruffling his freshly shampooed hair that vaguely smelled like green apples and strawberry.

“Nope! Still miss you!” He disagreed, laughing at his own answer.

“Well I miss you too,” Niall played along.

“Whatchu doin’?” Joel asked, just like the way Uncle Lou does as he crawls his way up Niall’s lap. Once he makes himself comfortable on his lap, he pointed at the pile of papers and pens on his hospital bed. “What’s that?”

“Homework,” Niall answered truthfully, “And planning a date for me and Li-li,”

“Date? W-What is a date?” Joel asked, looking up at Niall with wide eyes, his head tilted to the side.

“It’s umm,… It’s when umm,” Niall stuttered, confuse on how he can explain what a date is to a little so that he’ll understand. “It’s a small vacation,… show Li-li that ……I really like him,”. Well, it made sense in his head, but when he said it out loud, it sounded really silly.

“Vacation?” Joel questioned “Small vacation?”

“Y-Yeah, like taking Liam to his favorite place,”

“Oh,” Joel squeaked, before declaring “Can I help? I wanna help!”

“Do you know….what Li-Li likes?” Niall asked shyly.

Hi! I'm Niall Malik (Niam/Larry)Where stories live. Discover now