The Plan pt. 2

13 1 0

August 29, 2117LY




"Hhmm...not now...I don't want apple pie....Grandma."

"Oh Antlia~~~"

"No...I'm too tired...."


I woke up from the shock of someone's loud voice, looked around to see nowhere there though. Who was that loud noise then. I looked to see my side space window (the one that faced the side of Charlie's OMIC) open. I looked around my space terrified, did a burglar break in? I got out of my bed with only a see through night gown showing my kiddy underwear. I went to reach for the bat that I hid under my bed.



Charlie slid out from under my bed, scaring me to death.

"W-w-what!? Why are you yelling? Did I do something wrong?"

" was not yelling...I was screaming..."

"Why were you screaming?"

"Why...why was I screaming...well you see because you...almost put me on my deathbed!!"


"Ah...never mind...thank goodness it was just you and not a burglar...but what are you doing here."



Charlie didn't answer my question and just stood there. I tried to figure out what was wrong, I looked him in the face which was devoured with the color red.

"Charlie!? What's the matter?"

His head was down staring at something, I was so confused until I looked down at myself.

"AHHHH! Nooo!!!"

I had totally forgot that all I was wearing was a see through night gown with only my underwear on. Not only that but it was kiddy underwear. This is so embarrassing! I grabbed all the pillows I could from my bed, covered myself with one and started throwing the rest at Charlie who was still standing there in shock. When none of the pillows were knocking the sense back into him, I decided to throw one at his head. This definitely brought him back. As I was aiming another for his head, he quickly grabbed it just before it hit him.

"Antlia...what are you doing?"

"Nooo!! Stop staring at me!!!"


Charlie looked down again at me, completely forgetting how I was dressed.

"A-A-A-Antlia! Y-y-you..."


"Y-y-y-yes Antlia!"

"Stop staring!!"


Charlie finally looked away as I ran inside my space bathroom.

"Antlia...are you done? We are running late."

"Yeah...I'm done..."

I came out of my space closet with my uniform perfectly on.

"It took you 30 Yminutes to get ready."

"Huh? Oh yeah so what?"

"So what? What do you mean so what? You are late!"

"Late for the way what are you doing here it is only 6-55 Ytimes."

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