To the Matthew Espinosa
Hey Matt I don't wanna ditch my friend on our first day in Cali is it okay if she comes?:)

From the Matthew Espinosa
Yea that's fine I'll bringing Taylor. :-)

To the Matthew Espinosa
Sound great meet you at the park?

From the Matthew Espinosa
Sounds good :)

"It's settle your coming and he's bringing Taylor" I screech
"OMG the Taylor Caniff the man of my dreams" she shouts.
"You better stop fangirling and act chill you don't wanna freak him out" I laugh.
"It's cool it's out of my system let's go" she replied dragging me out the door.
"Hey Marissa" I hear Mathews sweet voice call.
"Hey Matthew" I smile as he introduces me to Taylor
"hey I'm Taylor, love you accent it's so cool, I've heard about you, all us guys have, and who's this" he smiles.
"This is my friend Ava" I say as both boys introduce themselves to her.
Her and Taylor are really hitting it off, damn girl you go.
"So what do you wanna do" Matthew asks
"get food, I didn't get to eat because someone" I say looking toward Ava "dragged me out the house before i could eat" I say dramatically.
"How could she we must get you food quickly this way" Matthew say going along with my dramatic scene.
"Will you two stop being drama queens and just get food" Taylor shouts laughing.
"You shouldn't of done that" Ava tell him.
"Hey this is not dramatic, it's food were talking about here, food I didn't have, it's a serious matter" I say getting closer to Taylor
"okay I'm sorry" he says putting his hands up surrendering as we all burst out laughing.
"But seriously I need food come on" I yell dragging everyone to McDonald's, we all order a mcmuffin and sit down with our food.
"Wow this is the quietest I've ever seen you" Ava says shocked.
"What do you expect I've got food, better things to do then talk" I reply "well it's great knowing you pick food over me" Ava says acting hurt
"food can't hurt me, food is my friend" I say causing everyone to laugh.
We all finish our food a Taylor gets up "well guys I've had a great time but I gotta go help Nash with some tour stuff"
"I should go to" Ava says "I wanna explore" we all say our goodbyes me and Matt deciding to hang out a little longer.
After hanging out these past weeks me and Matt have gotten really close like in a friendship way, it's like we've known each other for years, he really just gets me.
"I have the best idea" Matt says dragging me into a shop picking up two bracelets, "matching best friend bracelets" he say waving them in my face. "We're not official best friends until we have something matching" he says paying for them and putting them on our wrists. As he lifts my sleeve my bruise shows "wow what happened" he asks.
"Oh I fell" I reply I'm not ready for him to know yet.
"Your so clumsy" he laughs. Relief takes over my body as he believes my lie, it's so hard keeping this from him but I just can't talk about it.
"Now that we're officially best friends I'm taking you to meet the boys" he say
"omg I like secretly fangirling in the inside" I laugh
"Did you fangirl when you met me" Matt asks
"yea of course duh" I reply "wow you were so chill thou"
"more like shocked" I say making us both laugh.
We get into the taxi and head to Nash and Cameron's apartment.
When we get there Matt opens the do walking in shout to everyone to come to the living room,
"guys this is Marissa my bestest friend" he says causing me to smile.
"I thought I was your bestest friend" Taylor replies fake crying.
"Don't worry your my bestest guys friend okay" Matt soothes.
"whoo Matt loves me" Taylor shouts jumping up causing us all to laugh. "Anyway" Nash says coming up to me to say hello and give me a hug, all of the guys do the same thing. Cameron stands up last, as our eyes meet my belly fills with butterflies neither of us breaking eye contact
"hey I'm Cameron I love your T-shirt by the way" he says causing more butterflies to erupt like a volcano. "Thanks, teen wolf is my favourite tv show ever"
"high five to that" he laughs. "Wow cool accent"
"If you two love birds are done the rest of us would like to play a game to get to know Marissa." Taylor says smirking.
"Shut up" me and Cameron say in sync.
"So what game" I ask
"truth or dare obviously " Nash replies.
"Okay I'm down let's do it"
We all sit in a cirlce the boys daring each other to run down the street in their underwear or smash eggs over their heads, then it came to my go.
"Marissa truth or dare" Carter asks "dare" I reply
"hmm okay I dare you to do a hand stand into the splits" he says
"Okay" I say, as I stand up and do it all the boys watch in ore.
"Well I didn't think you were gonna be able to do it" he says shocked.
"What can I say I'm just so talented" I say laughing
After a few more round everyone gets bored and leaves doing their own thing. "Well I gotta go I promised Ava I'd go to the movies with her" I say standing up saying good bye to everyone. "Hey you should come tomorrow and bring her with you" Taylor suggests and all the boys agree. "Okay I will" I agree.
"What's up guys" I shout walking through door with Ava.
"Hey" all the guys shout back coming and hugging us both and introducing themselves to Ava, who obviously knows who they all are already.
"Hey we should all go swimming" Matt suggests. Instantly my face drops, I can't do this, I can't let the guys see my scars and bruises.
"No I don't wanna let's just order pizza" Ava says looking at me with a small smile, noticing that I was starting to panic.
"Thank you" I mouth to her she just smiles back reassuring me.
"Yes I agree we all need to get to know each other" Taylor shouts.
Everyone agreed.
"Hmmm lets play never have I ever with sour patch kids" Cameron suggests.
"Hell yes they are my fave" Ava replies.
"Well it's sorted I'll get the sweets" Taylor says heading to the kitchen.
Everyone said that I should start urgh. "Okay, I will urm, never have I ever watched the notebook" I say as everyone looks at me in disbelief. "You've never watched the notebook what kind of girl are you, I can't" Carter says sassily placing the back of his hand on his tilted back head.
"I don't see the problem" I say.
"Well I guess we know what we're watching later" Shawn says. As everyone agrees.
"Okay so never have I ever been in love" Cameron says. Carter and Aaron both eat a sweet.
"So Ava Marissa why haven't you been in love" shawn asks.
"Just never seem to meet a genuine guy" I reply and Ava agrees.
"Fair enough" he says.
After a couple more rounds things started to get deep, if you know what I mean.
"Never have I ever had sex" Matt says, Taylor, Carter and Cameron both eat a sweet.
"Well damn" I say causing the guys to laugh, I always thought the guys would of had sex but that being confirmed just hurts my inner fangirl.
"Never have I ever had a fling" Taylor says and no one eats a sweet.
"Well it's nice knowing we're all sorta decent people" Ava laughs.
"This is getting boring now let's watch the notebook" Shawn whines. Everyone agrees and we all go change into something comfortable. Me and Ava go into the bathroom take off our make up and change she put on her super cute pyjamas which consisted of a cropped t-shirt and shorts, whilst I put on my oversized baseball t-shirt and shorts. (Picture below) 

After we get changed we go to the sofa, the guys watching us as we walk over Ava taking a seat next to Shawn, I go into the kitchen to get snacks and bring them back placing them on the table, Cameron's eyes watching my every move

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After we get changed we go to the sofa, the guys watching us as we walk over Ava taking a seat next to Shawn, I go into the kitchen to get snacks and bring them back placing them on the table, Cameron's eyes watching my every move.
I sit in between Matt and Cameron grabbing a tissue ready to watch the movie.
Halfway through the movie I feel Cameron's eyes watching me, I look up and my eyes meet his I just smile and look back at the movie. Soon it gets to the part when after she finally realizes that it's him and then after just a few short minutes forgets again and then freaks out.
"Are you crying" Cameron asks. "Maybe" I reply wiping my tears as Cameron puts his arm around me rubbing my back.
"He loved her so much to be willing to go through that over and over again just to have a few minutes at a time,I feel so sad for him." I cry into Cameron's chest as he rubs my back. All the guys agreeing with what I said as the movie credits come on.
"I'm an emotional mess" I say standing up going to wash my face, Cameron following me to see what I was doing, he's acting weird lately.
"Marissa I wanna show you something" cameron says pulling me towards him.
"What is it" I ask
"nothing" he says i just look at him confused. "You have fallen in to my trap" he says before smirking at me and dragging me to the floor tickling my sides.
"No stop" I scream through my laughter
"say Cameron is so amazing he's so perfect and I will" he says
"I would say that but I was brought up to never lie" I say back he stop stares at me then puts a hand on his heart
"I have never been more insulted" he says "now you've had it" he smirks "no" I scream as he tickles me more that before, I start laughing until he presses on my bruises and I wince in pain.
"Are you okay, did I hurt you I'm so sorry" he says as a tear streams down my face
"no I'm fine it's fine" I reply looking down noticing my top had come up revealing my bruises to Cameron his face just looked emotionless I know I can't keep this secret any more, knowing that just caused more tears to fall down my cheeks.

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