
Doris opened the door to Joshua and smiled.

"Oh, what a nice surprise!" she said. "Come on in. I'll fix you a cup of coffee and I have some fresh cookies too... Come on back to the kitchen." she told him.

Joshua followed and watched Doris as she limped down the hall. Her back was hunched forward and she looked like she was in pain as she walked.

"Doris, you're limping." he said

"Oh, I know. This ol' hip likes to give me trouble in this cold weather." she told him.

"Doris its spring, nearly summer out."

"Oh, this hip doesn't seem to know that.... I try telling it. My back to..." she laughed, "But they both seem to think that I don't know the seasons when they are changing." She stood at the table. "Well, sit down. Let me get you that coffee and a cookie or two." she laughed and slapped his shoulder when he sat down. "I'm so glad you've dropped by. How's Payton and the children?"

"They are all good. Trying to get her garden in. I'm working on the crops now. But I needed some more seed so I had to make a trip to town."

"I'm surprised you got away with out little Tommy tagging along." she said as she placed a plate heaped full of cookies on the table and handed him a hot mug. She took the seat across from him.

"Oh, I left him in charge of milking the cow, feeding the chickens and goat." he told her. "he's old enough to take on some chores. Gives him a sense of accomplishment too."

"Right, right." she said shaking her head.

"I've dropped by with something on my mind today, Doris." he said clearing his throat.

"Oh. Well, speak up. I hope there's not a problem but I'll help you any way I can."

"Well, I've come to ask you a question."

"Me? Well, come on with it. Don't dance around it." she told him.

"Payton and I are building a new house. you know that..."

"And our cabin is going to be empty. It needs a few updates but is still in very good condition and we were wondering if you would like to come out to the farm and live with us. You can stay in the cabin and have your own house. But if you want to take meals with us you can. I just thought....."

"Oh, Praise be to God!" she said raising her hands up in the air. "Praise be to God. He has answered my prayers!" 


"Oh, Joshua," she said grasping his hand from across the table. "I have prayed that God would let me know where I belong. Last week, Nick told me that a new preacher was found. He and his family will be here in a month. I just have felt so lost. When Patrick was alive.... Well, I knew where I fit in. I was the preacher's wife. I had a purpose. People came to me for all sorts of things and I didn't mind one bit. Now though... Now I just seem to be the poor old widow... I don't like it. People are always looking at me with sad eyes and asking if they can help me." she looked at him and smiled "Don't get me wrong. I am happy that so many want to help me but it seems that they forgot that they once came to me for help instead of offering it to me..." she clicked her tongue. "Oh, I don't know. Call me having a pity party I don't know." she looked around the house. "This house has been home for so long but it just seems so big and lonely without my Patrick here to help fill it up. And no one will come over and eat with me anymore, they've all got this silly notion in their minds that I can't afford to feed them. I try and tell them that God has blessed my garden the same as every year before..."

The Reason For Grace (Sequel to A Reason To Stay)Where stories live. Discover now