Start from the beginning

He giggled at her, but it wasn't demeaningly. It was like he thought she adorable, and truthfully, to anyone she would often resemble a lost puppy on a daily basis (both out of constant confusion and just natural features such as her pout).

He took a seat, "I'm Ashton, you're Ava right?"

She shook her head up and down timidly once more, grabbing the menu and trying to loosen up.


Luke was bored.

Beyond it, actually.
He had absolutely nothing to do.

He sat at home, in his apartment room, watching reruns of Friends and chewing on a Granny Smith apple with disgust. His roommates hadn't gone shopping so he had to eat healthy, and they were both out of the house doing something that Luke didn't know about and to say the least, he was upset. He chewed on what was left of the apple core in his hands and sighed, placing it on the small coffee table, swearing that he'd throw it out later when he had enough energy to get up from his comfortable spot on the sofa.

He stayed sprawled across the black couch, legs spread as he grew more and more comfortable in just his boxers and some mismatched socks (one with a puppy and one that was plain black), when his phone began buzzing. He practically leaped towards it, tearing his gaze away from the television and grabbing his cell roughly. He eyed the notifications displayed on the screen and upon not seeing any from Ava :-), he let out a huff of discouragement.

He had been waiting nearly all day for her to text him ever since they had that encounter in the comic book shop (which, by the way, Luke was adding to his daily route, not to be a stalker or a creep, just to browse through comics and maybe, just maybe, get more time to talk to Ava), but she hadn't texted much of anything.

Then again, neither had Luke.

He did, however, have many texts, but they seemed unimportant now that he had Ava on his mind.

He placed his phone down again once more, slumping deeper into where he was on the soft cushion, thinking about Ava's double date. She must be having fun, with another guy, that isn't me. Everyone of his friends, or at least acquaintances, were gone and it would take at least another half hour until one of them was available to hang out and do something. He was bitter, more than usual, and he didn't know what to do about it.

He tried his hardest to push thoughts like that out of his head due to the fact that he had no idea why he was so jealous and needy all of a sudden, but to no avail.

It didn't make sense to him how someone could be so affected by someone so easily in only a matter of days. That doesn't happen to someone like him, he's called a charmer and a no-strings-attached guy for a reason. And, it wouldn't even mattered how he felt about her if he even had romantic feelings for her because it was quite obvious that she was set on being friends.

Just friends.


The group of four exited the restaurant, going about the city streets and night sky.

It reminded Ava of last night, which only added to the things on the list of things that reminded her of last night. She began to think of it too much and she knew it wasn't good. She saw a mime pass by the window half way through the date and that reminded her of Luke; there was a dessert on the menu that contained kitkats and that also reminded her of Luke. Everything seemed to freaking remind her of the stupid boy. She even had to refrain from talking about him.

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