Chapter 30: The Hunt

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  Algernon stood on a tree's branch, trying to aim and not fall down at the same time. It wasn't easy. Spiders were changing positions all the time, and following them without making noise could be done effortlessly only by elves. And, of course, he wasn't one. Still, he was doing much better than the prince, who managed to fall twice so far, and only other hunters' quick reflexes saved him from sustaining serious injuries.
What the knight didn't understand, though, was what the hell was this whole party for.
Rhydian had insisted, pleading with the king – Algernon still couldn't believe the monarch had actually agreed to it – so that they could see each other in better light. So far, however, the only better part of him visible was his ability to kill himself before breakfast, no execution needed. So, what were his real intentions? Sir Rowanweb hadn't believed prince's need for reconciliation even for a second. Why would he care after all? He was going to disappear from this world in no time, and Anne was already married. Unless...
No, even he couldn't be that stupid. Thinking that disposing of her husband would push her in his arms... Or, maybe this was revenge? Some form of twisted retribution? Oh no. Not on his watch. The king's existence was troublesome to the knight, but since he was linked to his queen, his health was equal with hers. And, despite their differences, Algernon would never let anyone hurt Anne. She was too important to his country's survival, whether he liked it or not.
A whistle sounded, as first of the beasts entered the trap. The others were approaching. The elf, who was playing the role of the bait, and moving the nets was ready to move. Everyone's attention was on the spiders. And then, something told Algernon to turn around.


I ran to the front door of the palace, feeling panic rising. A hunt. With the prince, who clearly held a grudge, and Algernon, to whom my husband was a nuisance. Yeah, that would go great. The ring would probably keep me alive after his death, but I didn't really want to try and find out. Not only because Trouble's powers were now very low, but because the king's life has become dear to me. I still wasn't sure if I actually loved him, or was just enchanted by his beauty and charisma, but this wasn't the way I wanted to find out.
When I reached the exit, to my surprise, I got stopped by the guards.
"We cannot let you venture into the forest alone, hiril vuin." They replied when I asked about the reason. "Hir vuin ordered an escort to be given to you."
"But I am going to be just there..." I pointed at the first line of trees. "I'm not actually going into the forest." I was planning to simply wait for them outside, perfectly knowing my presence could only make things worse since I couldn't really fight the eight-legged monsters. I just couldn't stand being inside, waiting for news.
But the guards were adamant. I had to wait until some soldier got assigned to protecting me.


Differently than other hinters', Rhydian's arrow wasn't aimed at the spiders. It was aimed at Thranduil. He stood slightly behind monarch's back, and far up enough, not to be instantly spotted. The knight moved, knowing perfectly well he wouldn't make it on time. The Elvenking stood too far from him, clearly unaware of prince's intentions.


A proper nanny was found soon enough, and, finally, I was allowed to exit the palace. A quick jog along the bridge, and I was standing on the other side, peering through leaves and branched, hopelessly trying to see anything that would indicate the state of affairs. Everything felt normal, although...
Just as I thought this, sharp pain ran through my body drawing a sob from my lips. I had to lean on the nearest tree so that not to fall. I was trying hard not to scream. The worst scenario was just fulfilling itself. Thranduil was hurt.


It was the first time in Algernon's life, that he was happy to see the giant spider jump at its victim. One of them must have got separated from the rest and noticed another source of food. And the reason for his joy was the fact, that the said victim was no other than the prince.
However, as the beast pushed him down from the tree branch, Rhydian let go of the held arrow, which flew straight to the Elvenking, piercing his body. Prince's shriek could be treated as both of fear and joy.
Soft undergrowth saved Rhydian's life, but couldn't nullify consequences of a bad fall. A soft sound of the bone breaking, followed by a cry of pain was music to Sir Rowanweb's ears. The brat got what he deserved. And he would get much more if Thranduil's injury turned out to be serious. The knight would make sure of it.


I was pacing back and forth, held in place only by the strength of my will. An urge to run, and check on my husband was so great, that I could barely stand it. No news, not even a message for the last half an hour was driving me crazy. And I couldn't risk a mental link in fear of deconcentrating him - after all, he could still be fighting. What did the silence mean? Was it nothing? Or... Was it that bad? The king was clearly still alive, but how serious was his wound I couldn't tell.
The pain I was feeling was on the left side of my body, a little above my breast. Did it mean the heart? No, then he would have died instantly. Shoulder? Didn't seem so, it was too low for that. Maybe somewhere between the upper ribs? I really hoped no vital organs were hurt. And if that stupid prince or my knight captain had anything to do with it...


Rhydian had a plan. He wasn't stupid enough not to notice he has been set up. It was obvious from the start. But if that lousy king of the elves thought this was it, he was mistaken.
A thought of his filthy hands touching Anne's body was making him cringe. He would not have it. To hell with the denouncement of their engagement. He was not giving up.
First, he needed a pretext. A reason for the elves to allow him wield a weapon. They believed in the power of the word, an old custom long dead in his own country. The king was wise to ask for written confirmation of his words before – probably Algernons influence, the man hasn't even shown up for the scene of his humiliation – but they couldn't produce a document every time he said something. Besides, habit was second nature, right? Without knight's influence, they wouldn't even think of such reassurance. All he needed was a moment with the king.

He got his chance after dinner. Seeing Anne was not going to go with the thing called her husband, he slipped away after him, hoping the guard captain wouldn't follow.
He caught up with him fast, and then infrmed about his idea, adding that Anne would surely be pleased to see, that they are getting along. It would reassure her that everything was fine, and she could relax. As he suspected, elf swallowed the catch. He was so blind when it came to queen's wellbeing and comfort, it has been almost too easy. A child's play. All he had to do was swear his good intentions, and they gave him a bow and a knife. Fools.

For an hour he has been at his best behaviour, knowing he was being observed. And then, when everyone's attention has been turned to approaching spiders, he moved his bow slightly to the left, changing his target. He wasn't aiming to kill, but to cripple. Despite all that anger, he wasn't suicidal. His plan was different. Not many young wives would stay to nurse a husband, sentenced for a life of disablement. Anne would then surely see the benefits of returning to her kingdom with them... as his bride. He has proven to everyone today, that he was clumsy and had terrible fighting skills. This would work to his advantage. He was going to fake an accident. After all, a falling man cannot control where he's shooting. Of course, he would fall only after releasing the arrow, but no one was watching close enough to notice.
He was just about to let go of the bowstring, when something had hit him from behind. Out of shock, he shot anyway, beginning his uncontrolled fall.


Second half of an hour was torture, but gave me hope, that Thranduil's injury wasn't deadly. Otherwise he would have been gone already.
Finally, when the third half passed and I started to seriously consider running into the woods I saw the returning party.
The king was walking on his own, and the relief almost made me collapse to the ground. His left shoulder has been wrapped in improvised bandages, hinting where the wound was.
"What happened?" I asked, approaching them. I noticed Algernon's gaze moving somewhere behind the king's back, and looked too. His Highness Prince Rhydian was being carried by two elves, one leg risen, and clearly broken, since it was put between two sticks and tied together.
"I see you've already been punished." I said, feeling sick pleasure at the sight of his greenish skin. I had no doubt Thranduil's injury has been caused by him. Algernon's gesture and face expression were quite easy to read.
"It was an accident." Moaned the prince, clearly being in pain.
"Suure." I growled, not believing a single word, especially after seeing the knight shake his head slightly. I would have gladly kicked him in his injured leg if I hadn't considered it beneath me.
"Is it serious?" I asked my husband, now turning my full attention to him.
"Minor inconvenience." He replied, touching my cheek, somehow happy about something.
Well, of course he would say that. The Elvenking was the last to admitting his weakness. However, his face looked a little paler than usual, and seemed almost blue because of his silvery-green clothes. I never thought I would see him in simple elf's clothes. Well, okay, they weren't THAT simple. Made much better than the other ones, from more expensive material with different plants embroidered on it, they seemed a "finer" kind of simple. Like the simplicity was a matter of choice not necessity.
"I can feel it, you know." I reminded him in a soft whisper.
For a second his eyes filled with fury, as he gazed at the prince clearly thinking that the man hadn't suffered enough.
"We should go." I said, before Thranduil got any ideas. "You need to rest, and I need to stop hurting." By reminding him that his wellbeing was connected to mine I was hoping to convince him to skip the 'I'm a tough man' part.
It worked. We moved quickly, heading to the royal chambers, while his men ran to notify the healers... and palace guards. Someone was going to be put under house arrest again.


Since the king said nothing, I decided to be present during the examination. I wanted to know how really serious it was, before he decided he should soften the news for me. After all, he did get overprotective at times.
Luckily it turned out to be a clean wound. The arrow omitted all vital organs and nerves. He would be fully recovered in no time.
Breathing the sigh of relief, after the healers left the room I sat next to my husband on his bed and took his hand. Damn, it was one inconvenience after another. First the alleged rape case, then this. My time was running out, and there was just no right moment to have the conversation about me leaving. And I couldn't just start it now, could I? 'Oh, you're wounded? What a shame! Well, I'll be leaving you then. Bye.'
My emotions must have shown on my face, because he asked:
"Is something troubling you?"
"I..." I hesitated. What was I supposed to say after all? "No, it's nothing." I replied finally.
"You do not wish to tell me." He stated, and I felt my cheeks burn. Yes, it must have looked that way. I could see he was upset about it, because his expression went to blank. Oh, all right. After all, he started the conversation himself.
"I do not wish to worry you." I replied, truthfully. He looked at me, concern visible in his eyes. "But I see I've already failed at that." I sighed again.
"It worries me more that you do not wish to tell me." He admitted.
OK, what the hell. He asked for it. I rubbed my temple, trying to stay calm.
"It's about The Hollow Ones." I started and immediately was rewarded with a frown. "Trouble... My ring told me, that they are coming back in about two weeks..."
"I thought you defeated them?" He inquired softly.
"Only temporarily." I explained. "And the moment they return, you..." I was playing with my hands nervously. "You'll die. That is why." I continued, before he could say anything. "I have to go. Return to my home world. They will follow me, and..."
"Would this be an excuse to justify your departure with those men?" He said in questioning tones, and I stopped talking shocked.
"What?" I asked. Did he really think I would make up something so terrible just to escape?! "You can't really think that." I looked at him, disbelief written all of my face.
"Your fiancé has come. And with him an extremely capable captain of your guard." Somehow I got the feeling, that the word 'capable' meant something else. "It is only natural that you would wish to..."
"No, no, no!" I interrupted him. "We are not going to argue about something so idiotic. Have I even once showed them any affection? And for the record, slapping is not a love expressing gesture!" I exclaimed angrily. "And how can you accuse me of lying to you about your death!" I looked at him with reproach.
We watched each other, me glaring and him searching for signs of deception.
"Your guests tried to dispose of me today." He informed me after a while of silence.
"Only Rhydian." I corrected, trying to separate Algernon from this unfortunate event. I hoped I was right. So far the knight hadn't given me any reason to doubt his sanity. "But yes, that's probably how it was." I admitted with worry. I knew too well what could be the result of those actions.
"You realise what the penalty for such crime may be." He said. He was gazing into my eyes with intensity, like he was looking for something.
"I'm sorry, but I will have to beg you to reconsider." I informed the king calmly, although my hands started sweating. Gods, he was just playing, wasn't he? Testing me? If he wasn't, I really didn't know how I was going to dissuade him. "I need Algernon to return home and, besides, he's the best commander in all kingdoms. If I lose him I'm as good as dead. As for the prince, his father would wage war if his son didn't return. And I can't afford any military activities right now. There's almost no army, especially in comparison to his forces."
The king fell silent again, and if not his lack of expression, I would say he was sulking.
"Look." I started to speak, not wanting to give him too much time for another stupid ideas. "The only place where I can safely and completely destroy The Hollow Ones is my home world. Otherwise I'm risking that we'll both die. And I have to go there soon, because there are only two weeks left until they reappear here. After they are gone, however..." I took a deep breath. I was going to lie to him. I didn't want to, but there was no choice. Maybe hope would make our parting easier. "I'll be free to come back. When my ring gets stronger after the fight that is. I would not want to end up in yet another world by mistake." I added jokingly, trying to lift the mood.
"I cannot stop you if you decide to leave." He said eventually, after next few minutes of silence.
"Oh, really?" I snorted. "Says the man who put me in prison the day we met." I teased him.
"You have behaved insolently." He stated.
"Me?!" I exclaimed. "You imprisoned me, stole my jewellery, interrogated me every few hours and I am the rude one?" My eyes winded with faked outrage.
"Shall I never be forgiven?" He asked, corner of his mouth quirking up.
"Oh, you are forgiven." I said, smiling mischievously. "But don't think I will ever forget it. I'll make sure to remind you often enough "
"Splendid." He replied, surprising me. "Then I shall not be forgotten as well."
That made me feel uncomfortable. He thought I would forget him the moment I left his side? Why? For the love of gods, how come this magnificent monarch had such low self-esteem?!
"You know, if you're counting on my sympathy it won't work." I informed him, trying hard not to let this be a drama. "I'm going to war with three most powerful wraiths in the realm, so my feelings are kind of occupied right now."
"What is that I can count on then?" He asked, copying my way of speaking, which sounded strange.
Oh gods, I couldn't do it anymore. Each of his replies made me ache internally. Why have I stopped despising him for?! It would be much easier if I still did. A selfish thought that was, I knew it.
"My Lord, I don't wish to go." I admitted, after a moment of hesitation. I wasn't sure if I should open myself to him this much. It might make him even more possessive. However I decided, that he deserved to know. After all, this might have been my last chance to tell him that. "I... I care for you." I swallowed, hoping the dim light would hide my blush. There, I said it. The Elvenking's hand squeezed mine tighter, showing that he heard me, but this was his only reaction. I felt relief. His calm was exactly what I needed right now. Otherwise I could start crying any second. "But there's no other choice if we want to live longer than two weeks. And I have duties at home too. You of all people should understand that. You are a monarch yourself."
"And I have never regretted it more." He whispered so silently, that I could barely hear the words.
I went speechless again. Today was going to be a day full of surprises.
"Why?" I asked, bewildered.
"Be it otherwise, and I could follow you to that kingdom of yours." He explained, leaving me even more shocked. He would? Really? He wished to go with me to an unfamiliar land, far away from his kin? But what about his family? His son? Maybe some friends? I wasn't sure if he had any of the last ones, but still... There were no elves in my world. But he didn't know that, did he? I haven't told him a thing about my home. The only way we had been close so far was in bed. No actual conversations, except those occasional little quarrels we had.
And that would have to be it. There was nothing to be done about it anymore. I was leaving. He gave his permission after all. Not directly, but I already knew he wouldn't lock me anywhere.
And the fact that he was letting me go somehow made this whole situation even sadder.  

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