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Sorry guys I totally forgot to add a chapter summary for the last chapter but here's the chapter summary for this one. Also don't forget to comment because whoever comments first, gets a dedication! (By the way, I accidentally said whoever VOTES first gets a dedication in my last chapter. Woops! LOL! But it's comment not vote. But you can still vote, obviously 😉)

Summary: Mackenzie's plan to humilate Nikki by posting that video of hers had backfired in the last chapter and everyone had commented on that video and insisted Nikki to do more videos. So  Nikki asked her parents and she is starting her own channel! In this chapter we will see what happens when she goes to school, the next day.

OMG!! I feel soooo sorry for Chloe. So what happened was that when I went to school today and I went to my locker to get my books for my first class. As I put my hand in my locker I saw that I had a note. It was from Chloe and Zoey!! SQUEE!! I had to ask them urgently why they didn't come to school yesterday. Anyways, the note read,

"Hey Nikki,

Please meet us ASAP in the janitor's closet.

Chloe and Zoey 💖"

So as soon as I read that, I rushed to the janitor's closet because the school bell is going to ring in about 3 mins. When I reached the Janitor's closet, I was literally puffing. The door was slightly open so I walked in and saw Chloe with crutches, sitting on a stool and Zoey sitting cross-legged on the floor.
"OMG, Chloe what happened!", I asked.
"Oh Nikki, finally you are here", she replied.
"It's fine don't worry about it", Zoey said
"Yeah girlfriend!", said Chloe agreeing to Zoey and giving me the jazz hands.
"But tell me what happened".

I went and sat next to Zoey.
"Well, in the holidays, I went ice skating like Luie did in the book "Ice Princess" and I crashed into someone and fell. My leg bone is broken and that's why I am using these crutches", said Chloe, looking down at the crutches, feeling sad. I know Chloe is my bff but sometimes she can be a bit CRAZY. If you know what I mean.
"But hey girlfriend, it's not the end of the world. You are still ALIVE!", I cheered her up, giving her the jazz hands.

Me and Zoey both cheered Chloe up and soon the bell rang. We all did a group hug and went to our classes. I had maths with Mackenzie (sigh) and Brandon (squeeeeee!). I entered my class and saw Brandon, gesturing me to come and sit down next to him. So I walked and sat down. OH CRUD! I totally forgot about telling Chloe and Zoey that I am starting my own channel. UGHHH!! Oh well, I will tell them at lunch. I saw Brandon staring at me the whole maths lesson. OMG!! I could see from the corner of my eyes that Mackenzie was getting really jealous. She was whispering stuff to Jessica (her bff) and Jessica kept nodding. Hey, I was still paying attention to Brandon but I just have very good eyesight so I managed to see what they both were doing. I wasn't spying on them or anything. Like, how juvenile would THAT be! Anyway, so after class you would NOT believe what just happened!! Brandon came up to me nervously and brushed his bangs out of his face.
"Nikki...er...I wanted to ask you that...um..you know..would you like to meet up at crazy..um..burger..um..like on Saturday", he asked, nervously biting his lip.
I was like are you C-R-A-Z-Y, obviously it's a YES YES and a million more yes's. You are my CRUSH! But I just said that inside my head so no one heard it but me. At that point, I wanted to hug Brandon sooo tightly that he wouln't be able to breathe. But I coolly said, "Yep sure! That would be great!". I was already doing my snoopy, happy dance in my mind. OMG, OMG, just like...OMG!! I AM OFFICIALLY GOING ON A DATE WITH BRANDON. Ok fine! Not really a date, but who cares! I couldn't be more HAPPY! SQUEEEEEE!! 😄

When it was FINALLY lunch, I quickly went to our lunch table, number 9. Opposite to ccp table. I could see Mackenzie staring at me all evil-like. But I couldn't care less! Finally, Chloe and Zoey arrived and I told them about me and Brandon. Chloe and Zoey squealed really loud and we did a group. Afterwards, Chloe gave me the jazz hands. But then all of a sudden, they both had a serious look on their face and they both said in unison "But make sure Brandon doesn't do any FUNNY business. After all, it's what friends do right? Protect their bff".
That's right! This is my bff's PROTECTIVE side! You know I love my bff's and all but sometimes they can be a bit over protective and get on my last nerve! But you gotta love them! OMG! I have to decide what I am going to wear. Alright, gotta go. I will write again tomorrow! See ya! 👋

Dear fans,

I just want to thank everyone for your love and support. And guess what? I HAVE GOT ALMOST 250 READS!! (or more, I forgot. Lol!) YAY!!! Still, no comments. But I trust you guys and I know that it takes a while to get comments. But you know what, I had no idea that I would even get THAT many reads! All thanks to you guys!! Love you all! Also, I got some more exciting news. I have started another book called Dork Diaries: Brandon's View. I am going to publish it tommorow so please do read that. Also, a reminder that don't forget to comment to get a dedication. Keep reading and enjoy!

Crazywritter 💖 

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