Chapter 1

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Dear diary,

Hi! My name is Nikki Maxwell and I am 14. Basically, I am a total dork who TRIES a lot to be like the ccp (cute, cool & popular people) but who cares, I do have friends who are JUST like me so no need to be a ccp. Just be yourself 😊.

You would NOT believe what just happened today! So as usual I was going home by bus and I hopped out at my stop, walked towards the door and was searching in my bag for my purse which had the keys when I just realised that I forgot to get my purse out of my locker at the end of the day.

NOOOOOOOOO!!! Why, oh why is my life like HELL!!😡 Now I wouldn't be able to get in the house until Mum gets my bratty, 6 year old sister Brianna from her ballet class which would finish at 5:30. Right now it's 3:30. Which means 2 hours to wait. NOOOOO!!! Wait, it's 2 hours, right? You see, I can't be trusted in maths even if the calculation is as easy as 10+10. Fine fine, I was just exagerating but anyways, what am I supposed to do NOW. Wait here for 2 hours, NO WAY!

I have decided to call Chloe, my BFF and ask her if I can come over for a while and then I will tell mum to pick me up. Well, Chloe said yes so now I am heading to her house even though my shoes are covered with muddy water. (some muddy water even went inside my shoes as my little sister Brianna who pretends to be a hairdresser named Miss Bri Bri thought about trying an experiment with my shoes and they ended up with a gigantic hole at the front) Wondering why they were covered with muddy water, well the reason is that I tripped over this boy when getting out of the bus and fell into disgusting muddy water. My clothes got muddy and wet too and right now the only thing I want to do is go HOME!!

Why is my life so UNFAIR!!! 😣

Hope you guys enjoyed that!! BTW, sorry if there were any mistakes. Also, please vote and comment for more chapters!! And thanks for reading. 😊😊


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