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I am sooooo sorry!! Last year my dairy finished and my mum didn't get me another diary until now!! But finally I got it! SQUEEEEE!!!! 😊😊. I am doing my happy dance right now. This is the first page of my diary and I am super excited. Although school is right around the corner, I am super excited to see my BFFs and the one and only, BRANDON!! 😍😍.

So let me introduce myself. I am Nikki Maxwell and I am 15 years old. I have got a gigantic and VERY annoying family. But I love them!! So my family members are as follows:
- Lauren David Maxwell (mum)
- David Maxwell (dad)
- Brianna Maxwell (younger sister)
- Sophie Maxwell (older sister)
- Joshua Maxwell ( also called Josh and is my younger brother)
- Paisley Maxwell (the cutest, most adorable youngest sister. Born, like 1 and half year ago. SOOO CUTE!! Also, adopted)

So this is my family, I know right! Sooo BIG!! So Pasiley (we also call her chick pea, a cute, little name for a cute, little BABY!! 😄😄) was adopted by my parents as they wanted to have another child but they were too old to do it themself (not going into!) so they adopted this cute little ANGEL!!

School will start in 2 weeks and I am half excited and half not. Excited to see my friends and NOT excited to see my ENEMY Mackenzie!! Uhhhh!!! I will be meeting my BFFs, Chloe and Zoey in our secret place on the first day of school. We will be checking our schedule and other stuff. Oh noooooo!! I just realised that tomorrow mum is going shopping and mum has told me to babysit my youger siblings while my older sister goes on a date with her boyfriend!! Lets see how tommorow goes. Probably a disaster!! Anyway, gotta go!! I will write again tomorrow! 😊

So how do you think that was?? Much better than the last one, right? What do u think will happen tommorow 😒. Wait and see. Keep reading and vote and comment!! (Pretty please with sugar on top). Bye!! ✋

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