A new begining

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My fingers clutched the backseat of Kylie's car as we sped through holiday traffic trying to get to Aiden. My heart raced faster and faster the closer we got. My mind raced through thoughts of what could have happened to him, after Kylie told me there was no explanation, she grabbed me and Matt and we raced to the hospital, all of us were tense, the air seemed thick around us and it was hard to breathe. I rolled down my window somewhat trying to let the cold winter air to relax me. It didn't work.

Minutes later we reached the hospital, I basically jumped out of the car before Kylie even had time to park. I ran up to the old rusted hospital doors and pulled them open with so much force I thought my arm was going to be pulled out of place. I ran up to the receptionist's desk, she stared at me with wide eyes. I guess I'd scared her, I mean I was running around like a mad woman, but who was she to judge? The love of my life was in danger.

"Where's Aiden Whyte- " before I could finish she cut me off by raising a finger.

"He's in the ICU, you can't go in there until they get him stabilized." She said in a thick New Yorker accent. I frowned.

"What happened?" I asked, though my heart pleaded me not to. Her big brown eyes softened and she looked away from me.

"He was in a car accident, came head on with a semi, luckily a few good Samaritans were travelling on their way to Denver, saw the accident and were able to pull him out before the car caught fire."

I felt my eyes water, my knee's got weak, and my world seemed to spin. I grabbed my torso before falling to my knee's whilst sobbing loudly. I felt arms caress me, but I didn't look to see who it was at that point I didn't care, in a matter of seconds my world was ending.

"I told you, no matter what you do, you'll never be happy." The voice spoke up

"SHUT UP!" I screamed aloud to the voice. I my hands shook with fury, I couldn't handle this.

"Honey calm down, please!" I heard a familiar voice say, it was the receptionist. "He has a small percentage of surviving sweetheart our doctors are wonderful and they are taking great care of him!"

That didn't make me feel any better. A small percentage. I felt the sobs shake my body, and I realized that at that point I was screaming. I pounded my fists against the cold marble floor.

You'll never be happy, he's going to die! You deserve this!"

I got up and wiped the tears away from my eyes. I spotted Ky-lie looking at me from across the room.

"Give me your keys." I demanded, walking towards her.

"Why?" She asked, concern filling her eyes.

"Just give me the goddamn keys!" I yelled, she immediately pulled them from her pocket and handed them to me.

I walked out into icy air and got inside Kylie's car, I began to drive, I knew exactly where I was going.

I reached the wood's entrance, where since Aiden and I haven been dating, have visited multiple times. But this time I wasn't coming on happy circumstances.

I walked until I found the spot where Aiden and I always went to. I slipped off my shoes, my jacket and pulled my hair into a high pony tail.

I stepped to the cliff's edge.

"You're finally going to do it" The voice said smugly

I nodded my head.

"I just have one question"

Jocelynn's Story Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang