The Park

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I found myself wandering around a park with a yellow slide and blue colored swings. I walked over to one of the swings and sat down. I started pondering everything, like what Kylie and Stella have done and said to me. I couldn't figure out what I'd done so wrong to everyone. I began swinging slowly, I heard a child's laughter and looked up to see a mother with a little boy, he was wearing a big plaid coat with jeans and yellow rain boots, I smiled at how happy he looked. I envied him. No worries, just a carefree, happy little boy. I thought to myself that those teenagers like me who sit in their rooms crying themselves to sleep, with anxiety and depression. Were once the current children who have light in their eyes and hope in their heart.

I felt small droplets of rain begin to fall and looked up. Rain clouds hovered above me, I cringed knowthing that I couldn't go home in case Kylie was there. I'd have to wait here in the rain until the school day ended. Once the droplets grew bigger I decided to take shelter underneath the yellow slide. I noticed the mom and her son were no longer around and figured they must have gone back to their house. I brought my knee's up to my chest and wrapped my arms tightly around them trying to keep warm in this freezing cold autumn weather. I started crying again. That's all I seemed to do these days. I couldn't help it there was a longing pain in my chest, longing for love, acceptance, care. I felt worthless, helpless, like a burden. Everything was my fault. I began sobbing loudly as the rain poured down harder. I don't know how long I stayed like that, it felt like forever, but then I felt someone grab my shoulder. I screamed and looked up.


"What the hell!" I breathed, staring at him wide-eyed.

He gave me a small smile. "Sorry love, I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to make sure you were alright. I left about ten minutes after you did and went searching for you." He admitted blushing slightly. I couldn't help but smile at him. Why was he being so nice to me? He could do way better.

"It's alright. You didn't have to come look for me. I'm fine." I started looking away from him.

"I can see that." He said sarcastically.

I didn't reply.

"Come with me, I want to show you something." He smiled. I looked at him puzzled.

"Don't you have school?" I asked

"Don't you?" He raised an eyebrow. I couldn't argue, he was right.

"But it's your first day." I countered.

"I'll have plenty more my dear, now c'mon."

The rain had stopped somewhat and turned into a small sprinkle so I got up with him. He grabbed my hand and started leading me out of the park. The sparks of electricity shot through me as he held my hand, I didn't know where he was taking me but at this point I was too entranced by his vibe to not want to go.

We walked through a little gate and I noticed grave yard markings everywhere. I stopped and raised and eyebrow when he turned around to look at me.

"I think they're creepy, but in a beautiful way, life staring at death, you know? Pretty fascinating." He admitted shrugging. He started walking again until we stopped underneath a willow tree. He sat down and I sat next to him.

"Try this." He said pulling something from this coat pocket.

"What is it?" I asked examining the small wrapped object in his hand.

"Candy. It's from the U.K so you can't get it here, weird isn't it? America is an awfully odd place compared to where I came from." He smiled handing me the piece of candy. I just stared at it. Who knows how many calories could be in it!

"Just eat it." He instructed unwrapping a piece for himself and popping it into his mouth. I shakily unwrapped it and put it in my mouth. I was just going to purge it out later. It was so sweet and tasted strongly of caramel and butter-scotch. It was delicious.

"Mmm" I said smiling at him. He laughed and handed me another piece.

'Good isn't it?" He smiled. I nodded at him. His face turned serious all of a sudden.

"Jocelynn, who's hurting you?" He asked grabbing my hand making the butterflies in my stomach move violently around. I blushed and looked away, embarrassed.

"Look I know we don't know each other very well, but I don't like seeing people hurt. Especially people I find absolutely stunning and very caring. It's odd, but the feeling I get when I'm around you is like no other, I've never felt it before, you're something special darling I can tell." He admitted I looked back at him deep into his electric blue eyes and blushed. I couldn't believe he just said that!

"I'm not pretty." I said truthfully.

"One of the prettiest I've ever seen." He said flashing me his million dollar smile. I just shrugged. I couldn't let this boy get to me, not now. Not while I am so fragile. He was probably doing this for a laugh anyways. Yet something inside of me screamed that he was genuine and to let my wall down and let him in, but to be honest that was something that would take time and support, I'm not emotionally stable enough for anyone.

"It's nothing. I just fell down my steps at home." I sort of told the truth. He looked at me as if he didn't believe me. He didn't press on about it though, which made me happy.

"And the cuts?" He asked still holding my hand. I looked away, embarrassed.

"Please stop asking me all these ridiculous questions. It was just my cat." I lied. I hoped he believed me. He raised and eyebrow but said nothing else.

Then Aiden's phone rang.

"Hello mum. Yes, I'm on my way right now, I just decided to walk home to get a perspective of where we were living." He said in his accent which was downright the sexiest thing I'd ever heard.

He hung up and looked at me.

"I have to go, can I walk you home?" He asked. I nodded and together we both got up and started walking.

We finally reached the end of a driveway which led to a big three-story house. It was absolutely stunning! The outside was covered in brick and every window had creamy blue shutters, the front door was marvelous and etched in a golden outline with a small chandellier hanging above the porch, bushes and flowers covered the front of the house, all different colors of flowers like yellow, blue, pink, red, purple, and green. A huge oak tree stood tall and proud with its leaves just beginging to turn colors and fall.

"Care to come in?" He offered as I stood there with my mouth opened in shock. I wanted to very much but I didn't want to be late getting home so against my will I said,

"I can't I have to get home too." I gave him an apologetic smile. He nodded and did something unexpected.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his tight embrace.

"Thanks for hanging out with me today." He whispered in my ear. For the first time in a very long time I felt happy, a genuine smile crept onto my face and I couldn't help but feel like I was flying and I hugged him back. We stayed like that for a while until he backed away from me.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked smiling. All I could do was smile and nod my head like an idiot. He waved and walked to his front door. I bit my lip and walked back to my house which conveniently was just around the corner. I felt as if nothing could ruin my good mood.

Except Kylie.

I walked through the front door of our house and saw an angered Kylie and stupid boyfriend, Paul.

"School called." She said glaring at me.

Oh shit


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