A day with Aiden

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I woke up to light flooding my bedroom, I stretched my arms out trying to find Toby, but I couldn't seem to, I started to panic, what if he got out of the bedroom last night and Kylie found him? I shot straight out of my bed and began to frantically search for him, I finally turned my attention to my closet noticing the door was ajar, I flung it open and there lay Toby cuddled up on my pair of shoes, I sighed in relief and picked him up holding him closer to me.

"You scared me Toby!" I breathed out. He looked at me blinking then meowed softly and fell back asleep against my chest. I smiled and laid him down on my bed and covered him up. I was thankful it was Saturday so I could go get him some cat food with the money I've saved over the years. I knew had at least five-hundred saved up in the secret compartment underneath my window.

I walked into my bathroom and stripped down before stepping into a nice warm shower. I quickly got out and dried my hair, I let it naturally curl and smiled as it fell past my rib-cage I was happy that it was finally getting longer, I applied base, top eyeliner, mascara and some pink coloured lip-gloss. I didn't think I'd ever feel pretty ever again I was walking out of the bathroom when I heard my phone beep indicating a message. I swiped the screen to see I had a Facebook message from Aiden.

"Hey Jocelynn! I hope you don't think I'm some creepy stalker, I just wanted to know if you'd like to hang-out today? I could come pick you up if you'd like?(:"

I smiled at the message and replied with a quick "I'd love to." I gave him my address and turned to my closet choosing what to wear. I finally decided on a pair of white leggings and a black Led Zepplin sweater to hide my cuts. I quickly pulled on my shoes as I heard a car honk from down-stairs. My heart fluttered knowing who it was. I grabbed my bag, kissed Toby, shut and locked my door and ran down-stairs without saying good-bye to Kylie who was too busy making-out with her boyfriend to notice I was leaving.

I walked outside to be greeted with a burst of cold autumn wind, I smiled as my hair swirled in the wind and leaves passed, I loved Autumn so much. Aiden got out of his black Cadillac and greeted me with a tight hug, I smiled and hug him back just as tightly it felt nice to have someone hug me, to feel like someone cared.

"He's gonna end up throwing you away just like everyone does." The voice chirped up. I ignored it. I wasn't going to deal with him or it or whatever the hell it was! I heard the voice chuckle lightly.

"Ready to go?" Aiden said, pulling away from me.

"Yeah." I smiled as he took my hand and electricity shot through me, he led me to the passenger side and opened the door for me, I smiled at him and got inside.

We drove in silence, it was a comfortable silence, though, with the light sound of music pouring out from the speakers. That's when I started to think, where was he taking me? I looked at him and raised my brow

"What?" He asked

"Where are you taking me?"

"A surprise." he shrugged and chuckled softly. I gave him a disapproving look and sat back in my seat. Soon we reached what looked like an entrance to the woods. He got out and walked over to me and opened my door. I stepped out and looked around.

"This is where you're taking me?"

He laughed and shook his head no, then went to the back of the car, opened the trunk and pulled out a blanket and what looked like a picnic basket.

"C'mon, follow me." He said walking into the woods. I chewed on my lip not sure if I should follow him or not, I mean I barely knew the guy!

He turned around abruptly and noticed me standing there.

"I promise I'm not some psycho murderer." He said rolling his eyes. I laughed and decided to follow him. We walked for a while until he stopped at the edge of a cliff, I looked down to see water rushing below us, it looked like a 50ft drop. I was terrified of heights I gulped and stepped back.

"Why are we up here?" I asked nervously. He held up the basket.

"Picnic." He smiled, setting the blanket down and sat down and patted the empty space next to him beckoning me to sit with him. I did and pulled my knee's up to my chest. He started laying out the food he brought, two sandwiches, two thermoses, and more of that candy we'd eaten in the cemetery. I looked at all the food, unsure if I should eat it due to all of the calories and carbs, he handed me my sandwich I took it reluctantly.

"What? It's just a sandwich, you act like you're gonna get fat from it!" He laughed. Little did he know about my problem. I shakily laughed and decided to eat just so he wouldn't get suspicious. I took a drink from my thermos and warm hot chocolate covered my tongue.

"mmm" I moaned, taking from drinks from it.

"Good, eh?" He asked smiling. I nodded sharply and took another drink.

"Thank you." I said, looking at him.

"For what?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"For taking me up here, for being my friend. For being nice to me. " I said looking off into the distance.

"My pleasure." He smiled "I used to come up here during the summer with my family when we would visit America. It's my favourite place, just so relaxing."

"It's beautiful." I said looking around taking in it's beauty. The leaves were yellow and red, they were scattered around us too, the cliff dropped off into a big reservoir. The water thrashed in anger below us.

"Aiden.." I asked not looking away from the trees.


"Why are you so nice to me?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well it's just, no one really likes me.. I have no friends at school, even my sister hates me. I just figured a guy like you would hang out with better people, and not even give my presence a second thought, that's what everyone else seems to do." I could feel the tears well up in my eyes, then I felt two strong arms wrap around me, I looked up and saw Aiden holding me protectively.

"I think you're a wonderful girl, you deserve the world. I know we don't know each other very well but damnit something inside of me is telling me that I just have to be with you, even just as friends." I could feel myself begin to cry into his chest, I felt so weak but at the same time it was nice. We stayed like that for a few minutes longer until I felt Aiden pull away and did something I did not expect.

He kissed me.

I felt my eyes widen in shock, but I kissed him back gently, our lips went together perfectly, his lips were so warm and soft, I felt electricity and sparks fly through my veins, my heart beat seemed to stop and nothing mattered at that time. All I felt was pure bliss, I pulled away and looked at him he smiled and pulled me into a big hug.

Soon after we were headed back to his car hand in hand, I felt the happiest I've ever been in a very long time

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