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I hopped off the school bus and made my way towards the big blue doors who haunted me with their chipped paint and rusty handles and entered the gateway to hell. I walked through the front doors and hastily made my way towards my small locker that was located just around the corner. My breath caught in my throat when I saw who was standing in front of my locker.

Stella Waterson and her boyfriend Aaron Miller.

I gulped and walked closer to my locker, as fear and adrenline worked their way through my system making me shake uncontrollably. They were busy laughing and chatting away with each other when I had finally reached them.

"Uhm, excuse me please." I mumbled not making eye-contact with either of them.

"What?" I looked up to see Stella glaring at me with her big brown eyes her pupils dialated and scanned me over.

"Uh-uhm you're in front of my locker." I stuttered looking away from her glare.

"Does it look like we care?" She scoffed, turning back around to continue her conversation with Aaron.

"Well I care." I said gaining some courage to look her in the eyes.

"Excuse me?" She said taking a step closer to me. "What did you just say to me?"

"You really should move, please." I said standing a little straighter.

"Don't tell me what to do Jocelynn. You're a loser, I don't listen to losers." She said glaring at me again.

"Damn it just move!" I raised my voice, which was a huge mistake.

Stella used all the force in her long tan arms to push me. I stumbled back able to catch myself before I fell.

"Don't effing tell me what to do Blackheart! I will end, whatever pathetic life you have." She screeched

I could feel everyone staring at me and then they all erupt into laughter. I could feel my face heat up and the tears that threatened to fall. I quickly grabbed my books and ran my first class. I got there and I sank down in my seat in the back.

Soon the classroom became filled with students eager to talk to each other. The teacher walked in shortly afterwards and began writing his lesson on the board aIthough I couldn't focus, in the back of my mind was all the things my sister and Stella had said about me.

"You know they're right." The voice spoke up.

'Please stop.' I said mentally.

"You are fat and pathetic, obviously no one even likes you. You have no friends, no family, nothing. You're just a big burden on everyone." The voice said smugly.

"No I'm not.." I said to it.

"Don't argue. You and I both know that you are."

I sighed and didn't say anything back. I tried to push the conversation out of my mind but I just couldn't. It just kept eating at me and finally lunch soon arrived and I walked to the cafeteria to get my food. I could see Stella and her friends glaring at me as I was walking to an empty table to sit down at. through my peripheral vision I could see Stella was no longer there and thats when I bumped into something- better yet someone-  I looked up to see Stella. My food had spilled all over her white blouse and pink straight legged jeans she was wearing I could see her eyes burning with hatred and anger. She gasped loudly and then screamed.

"I am going to make your life a living hell you stupid bitch!" She screamed as she stormed off to the bathroom.

My eyes grew wide with fear as I watched her and her snobby friends march towards the bathroom. I knew everyone in the cafeteria was watching me and wondering what was going to happen next. It was dead silent and my cheeks burned with redness and my chest felt tight. I wanted to cry but I also didn't want them to think I was weak, I picked up my tray. threw it into the nearest garbage can and walked to my next class and waited for the bell to ring.

For the rest of the day my stomach was tied in knots and I had an ache in my chest. I wondered what Stella was going to do, I hoped she'd forget but I knew she wouldn't.

Just then I heard my phone go off indicating a notification



Oh my God

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