Chapter II

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(Taehyung's pov.)

                 It's morning; I wake up. It's a Tuesday, twelve-thirty. I immediately wake up and brush my teeth, take a shower, go through my face routine, and put on my work clothes. A white cotton sweater, jeans, and high top grey converse. I tried my best to make my self look casual. As I headed out my apartment door, I grabbed my leather satchel, my salmon colored apron, and key's to my car. I didn't carry much in my bag that was related to my job but i just kept my sketch book and drawing materials, my apron, and other miscellaneous items in it. I liked to doodle while I'm on my break.

                As opened up shop, I noticed that neither Jimin, nor Jin are here within a few minutes of opening up. Normally they would be right on time, well, Jin would. But both babo's are missing. I really can't believe it but then again, I could just cut off a little bit of money off their salary. I immediately went to man the counter as some people came in.

                A few minutes passed, and their still not here. I've already had to cook, clean, and take orders by myself. As I was about to finish taking another order, Jimin came running in. "Taehyungie~", Jimin said, "I'm so sorry. It's just that Jin was sick and Namjoon had to go somewhere and I had to take care of him", He said puffing. Taehyung then turned to him with a blank face, "Jimin", he said, "My dear Jimin. I don't care where the fuck you were at. But why don't you come help me the fuck out, yeah?", Taehyung said with a creepy smile. "Yah!", Jimin said, "Don't give me that face you ass". Jimin then went to take orders from the customers siting at the near by cafe table. 

(Authir-nim pov.)

               After they finished for the day, it was five thirty. It was closing time and Taehyung was about to grab his bag and head out when his actions were interrupted by Jimin. "So....", Jimin started, "Are you free tonight?". Taehyung then was a little shocked by his statement, "I am not going out with you!", he yelled. Jimin then started to laugh at his dongsaeng's reaction, "Dude, I'm going out with some one and I want you to meet some guy Jin's BF was talking about. I've seen him before on campus, and he is fucking hot. He's in the same year as me". Taehyung was hesitating on whether he should go. "I don't know. I still don't feel like going out", he said. Jimin then turned to him as he sat down because he knew that they would be there for a time. "Come on~", Jimin whined, "You need to get over him, or else you'll never move on!", Jimin yelled. Taehyung then followed Jimin, siting down, "Jimin.... I'm not sure", he said. "Okay", Jimin started, "Here's the deal. If you like him, you get a happy new start in your relationship status. But if you don't like him, you can cut off all the money off my salary.... deal?". Taehyung then heard the luring deal, tempting him to take it. Jimin then did aegyo, trying to make him go, "Pwetty, pwese~". Taehyung was immediately disgusted by his actions. "Eww!!!!!!!!!!", he yelled, "Fine, fine........... I'll go". "Yaho!!", Jimin jumped in joy, "Alright!". Taehyung the got up and said, "But for a whole week", as he left blank Jimin behind, running away, "Mwo!". Jimin then chased after him as fast he could, "Yah!..... you can't do that!".

(Taehyung's pov.)

               After I came back from work, I went to wear something casual before I went to dye my hair again. Right now I had it blonde, but I wanted something new. I then drove over to the hair salon. As i entered the store the bell rang. I then was welcomed by Bambam. That's not his real name but his real name is really long and I really can't pronounce. "Taetae~", he said, "How have you been?". "I've been good, I guess?". "Good", he said, "So what are we doing to day", he asked as he gestured me to sit down. "I guess, violet pink with light pink highlights at the front", I said as I was playing with my bangs. 

               Within minutes he finished. I payed him for his service and left back home. As I entered my bungalow, I realized that I didn't know when I was so post to be there. I then dialed Jimin to ask what time I should be there. "Hei, what up?", he said as I looked for something to wear for the party. "What time should I be there?", I asked as I laid the clothing neatly on my bed. "Oh!", he exclaimed, "I'll pick you up, you don't know the house is, 'kay?", he said. "'Kay, see you later then", I said as I stepped in my tub/shower. I did realize that I already took one this morning but I always like to shower before I go to party's or places that are important. I turned on the cold water, letting it flow over my skin. I then wash my skin with my vanilla scented body wash, as well as I wash my hair with my two in on strawberry scented shampoo/conditioner. After I finish washing my whole body, I then rinse my body and let the foam travel down my body like I always do. I then exit my bathroom, feeling refreshed. I then realize after I finish showering that I need to buy color care shampoo. 

              I start to put on my clothing. I chose to wear a loose gray long sleeve with a black and whit scarf, slim black skinny jeans, gray high top converse, armure link front leather wrap choker, and my charm bracelet. After I finish dressing up, I put on my make up. Not much, in my opinion. Just some foundation here and there, some highlighter on my cheek bones, chin, forehead, eyes, and nose. A little eye liner and eye shadow, and to finish the touch I put a little glitter on the corner of my eyes and five different types of lip balm on my lips.  Oh shit, I forgot, I thought as I went to get a bottle that said skin illuminator. It was home made. I added some to my body but not to much to were the point that I looked greasy. 

           As I began eating some chocolate mochi with some green tea ice cream, I heard a knock on my door. I then put away the mochi and ice cream as I went to open the door. As I expected, it was Jimin. He wore a wide black tank top, a bandana tied around his arm, jeans, and a pair of black jordans. 

(Author-nim pov.)

             As Taehyung opened the door Jimin greeted him with an eye smile. "Yah!~", he exclaimed as he stared at Taehyung up and down, "You look so fuckable". Taehyung nearly choked on his own saliva, "Wtf Jimin. That's not something friends tell eachother, and didn't you say that you're dating?", he stated with a face of curiosity as he entered Jimin's car. "And how did you get this car!", he yelled. "My BF", Jimin said as he turned on the ignition. "Ew!", Taehyung exclaimed in disgust, "So you basically have a sugar daddy! That's just low, even for you". Jimin then laughed, "That's funny cause the guy your meeting is also wealthy".


Wow this sucks ass and i really think I could do better.


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