Chapter 9: Game changer

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Nightwing grunted as he dived through the window of a dive bar in the seedy part of Gotham. Most of the patrons ran at the sight of a "mask". Before the bartender could escape as well, Nightwing threw one of his ascrimas into the front of his ankle, causing him to trip. He quickly knelt down and grabbed him by his collar.

"Where is the Joker!" He demanded, tightening his grip.

The bartender struggled to get free, to no success.

"Man, I don't know." He cried. " I ain't lyin."

Nightwing punched him quickly, knocking him out. He punched the floor as he realized that his investigation was going nowhere. Barbara's face flooded through his mind with every punch.

"I should've stayed here with you." He admitted, having finally calmed down. "It's my fault you're gone."

"And I thought I was funny." Said an all too familiar voice. "But, you're the biggest joke of all."

Nightwing quickly turned his head. Standing in the doorway was the monster who killed his fiancé, with a smile plastered on his face and a purple top hat.

"I heard you were looking for me." He continued teasing him. "Here I am."

Nightwing instantly sprang towards him. He easily tackled him to the floor. He repeatedly punched him in the face, refusing to stop. Tears were streaming down his face.

"You took her away from me!!" He screamed, still punching him." Why? Why her?!"

The battered Joker smiled at him with blood gleaming all over his face.

"Sometimes, there is no reason." He taunted, still smiling. "That's the fun part. The surprise."

Nightwing's eyes widened in anger. He was channeling every angry feeling he had locked away since Tony Zucco killed his parents.

"You piece of scum!" He yelled, using a tone he himself  didn't know existed.

This is it, Nightwing thought to himself as he lost himself in his rage. I'm gonna kill him.

The Joker cackled while simultaneously coughing up blood. He had finally broken one of the heroes. It gave him hope that he could do the same to Batman.

Nightwing was so immersed in beating the Joker that he didn't see him slip something out of his pocket. The Joker used his remaining strength to jab it into his neck.

Nightwing barely had time to react before passing out. The sedative the Joker used this time was much stronger than the one he used on Catwoman.

He kicked Nightwing's unconscious body off of him and gleefully sprang to his feet.

"This just got a hell of a lot better." He smiled evilly, wiping the blood off of the bottom of his face.


Batman scowled at Robin as he landed on the rooftop.

"Dick.... He's got a blood lust." Robin told him. "He's going to kill him."

Batman shook his head and looked down.

"I know." He admitted still looking down. "But, I'm not gonna let Dick destroy his soul over that psychopath."

"What are we gonna do?" Robin asked, starting to wonder if Nightwing was already too far gone.

"We're gonna get to the Joker first."  A voice blurted in the other direction.

Robin was visibly shocked as Catwoman stepped into view.

"What is she doing here" Robin demanded, having never understood Batman's interest in her.

Catwoman crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"Stand down, she's here to help." Batman firmly assured him. "I called her a few minutes ago."

For a second the three of them just stood in awkward silence. Neither one of them dared to break it. Before it got too awkward Batman's phone rang.

"Did you get the address?" He asked Noah through the phone.

Batman's eyes widened at Noah's response.

"Yeah the emails came from Wayne manor. You know where that rich guy lives."


Nightwing struggled as he woke up. The room was nearly pitch black. His arms were tied to the arms of a chair. He saw a figure in front of him but, he couldn't make it because of the darkness.

"Dick! Thank God you're okay." The figure praised, in a voice so familiar, he didn't need his eyes to know this was.

It was the girl who made him smile when he didn't believe it was possible.The girl who he spent years chasing after. The girl he would always love.

It was Barbara.

Nightwing's eyes were gleaming with tears of happiness. He was so relieved, almost forgot about the predicament they were in.

"You're alive!" He happily exclaimed. "How?!"

"He had me taken out of the Clocktower before he blew it up." She explained. "He wanted Bruce to think I was dead."

"I wish I could hug you right now." He joked. "But, I'm kinda tied to a chair."

Barbara smiled.

"So am I." She said, already trying to  think of a way to escape.

"Where are we?" Dick asked.

"You don't recognize it?" The Joker answered, from far away.

Dick tensed up once he stepped into view.

"I thought you would..." He continued. "Especially since it's right underneath the cave you operated out of for so many years."

Dick and Barbara's eyes shot open.

"Oh I know where you operate." He revealed, smiling menacingly. " I know everything about all of you. I've  always known."

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