Chapter 2: The Queen

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Thousands of thoughts were going through Bruce's head. This time it was different. Endgame. The ominous message the Joker left for him went through his head again as he parked the Batmobile in the Batcave.

Alfred eyed him, worriedly as he jumped out of the car.

"Any leads, Master Bruce?" He asked, noticing the look of fear in his Master's eyes.

The last time he saw Bruce with that look was when he picked him up from the police station after his parents were murdered.

"Not one." Batman answered, dashing over to the Batcomputer.

"What are you looking for?" Alfred asked.

"Checking security cameras all over the city there is no sign of him." He answered, not taking his eyes off the monitor.

"Master Bruce, Commissioner Gordon just left a message and said you should turn on the TV." Alfred revealed, looking at the phone they had in the Batcave.

After turning on the TV, the Joker's twisted smile appeared. He must've hijacked every TV in Gotham.

"Hello everyone! Sorry to interrupt your usual programming. I have an announcement to make. I'm retiring from my job, it's been fun, actually it's been spectacular and I couldn't have gotten this far without you guys. For my final gig I decided to go out with a bang! And speaking of bangs..."

The camera shifts to a view of Gotham's clock tower. The clock tower where Oracle AKA Barbara Gordon operates out of.

"No. Barbara." Bruce says, as he realizes what's happening.

The tower instantly combusts. There's nothing left but broken glass, debris, and ash.

The camera shifts back to Joker.

"Well that was awesome! You may be wondering why I picked that specific building. Batman isn't." It's like he's looking right at Bruce through the screen. "He knows exactly why I picked it.

Bruce looking down, pulled out his phone and dialed Dick's phone number. It went to his voicemail.

"Dick I'm sorry but, Barbara is gone. I know your angry but don't let this change you. Don't let this make you like him." He finished, dropping his phone on the ground.

"Master Bruce, are you alright?" Alfred asked, his eyes watering.

"No I'm not." He answered walking towards the Batmobile and jumping in.

"Why can't you let your self feel anything?" Alfred pondered aloud, as the Batmobile sped away.


what the hell is happening? Selina thought to herself as she ran across the fifth rooftop in a row. Why would blowing the old clock tower up hurt Batman. Why do I even care?

She had gotten a call about a job and supposedly it would be a huge score. She was supposed to meet this person in an abandoned warehouse to discuss the plan.

"You there?" Selina asked as she opened the door.

Nothing was there. The inside was full of cobwebs and rusty pieces of metal. As she walked towards the inside, the door instantly shut.

"Huh?!" Selina gasped, turning around to see what happened.

It was completely pitch black. She couldn't see anything. Then, a light appeared on the back wall. She walked towards it trying decipher what she was Seeing. She gasped as she saw the Joker's malicious smile inches away from her.

She tried to run but, he grabbed her and threw her into the wall. She couldn't even see what was happening.

"Don't leave yet. We're going to play a game." The Joker whispered into her ear as she tried to collect enough strength to stand up

"What's your game this time, freak?" She asked, pushing onto the ground for support.

"No this isn't my game, dear. This is my endgame?" He answered, cackling hysterically.

Suddenly Selina sprung up and kicked him in the face. She quickly grabbed him by the throat.

"Why the hell are you screwing with me?" She demanded through her teeth.

The Joker smiled

"You don't see it do you? The way he always lets you go? How he treats differently than all the rest of us super villains? He's in love with you." The Joker explained, scanning for her reaction.

She froze. She never allowed herself to think about the possibility that Batman cared about her like that. He was always trying to get her to switch sides, but that doesn't mean he saw her as anything more than a potential heroine and it definitely didn't mean he was in love with her. Did it?

Taking advantage of Catwoman's distracted state, Joker pulled a sedative out of the pocket in his jacket and injected it into her shoulder.

"Ughhh!!" Selina screamed, as she realized she let her guard down.

She fell to the ground, struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Hush, kitten. You are the most important piece in my game, " Joker whispered. "After all, every king needs a queen."

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