Scott crossed his arms, glaring. "Yeah, then I grew up." Alex looked like he'd been slapped. Scott hurried to add, trying to stay aloof. "I was kidding, jeez. Don't be a baby."

Ruth stared at him. "You're so weird." She turned to Hank. "What're my cool gadgets?"

Hank picked up a set of gloves and boots, motioning for her to sit on the chair.

She sat taking the gloves from him, noticing a small circle where the palms were. She slid them on, glad they were fingerless; she didn't do well with regular gloves.

"What's the circle for?" she asked, testing the feel.

"They concentrate the power. It's a lot like the chest plate I had made Alex," he explained, "You'll be able to throw fire the way you threw that spark at Scott. Speaking of which, try throwing one at him now."

Scott looked up from where he was reading Hank's notes. "Excuse me?"

Alex patted his little brother's back. "Don't worry, bud. Hank and Charles stood as targets when I tested out mine. It's a sign of trust in a relationship."

Ruth shrugged. "Hold still, Scott."

She formed the flame in her hand, gasping when she saw it rise from the circle; it was more concentrated than before.

She tried to throw it, but only succeeded in throwing it on the floor. She shrieked. "Put it out!"

Alex grabbed the fire extinguisher and put out the flame. "That's what I'm here for! Try again!"

She sighed and tried throwing a flame at him, but it veered off course and burned a stack of papers. "Shit, were those important?"

Hank sighed. "No. I'm glad I made copies of all my notes before you came over. These are the copies, by the way."

Ruth sighed and looked at Erik who narrowed his eyes. "Throw one at me and I'll push you off the satellite again."

Alex scoffed. "He'll do it anyways, throw it at him!"

She sighed and pulled her arm back, forming the flame in her hand. She tried throwing it, screaming when it hit the ceiling.

"I can't do it!" she cried, throwing her gloves down.

Scott ran over to her, picking them up. "Sure you can. You just have to focus. Do you know how to throw a regular ball?"

She shrugged. "I think so."

Scott nodded and walked to the table, putting the gloves down. "Hank, do you have a ball we can throw around?"

The taller man nodded, much to the surprise of the other two men. He walked to his desk and plucked a baseball from it.

Erik frowned. "I didn't take you as a baseball fan."

Hank shook his head. "I'm not. I appreciate the physics behind sports, but nothing else. I do like running, though."

Alex sighed fondly. "You're such a bozo."

Scott took the baseball from Hank and threw it to Ruth who fumbled to catch it, only to drop it.

"That's okay!" he called to her. "The point isn't to catch, it's to throw. Throw it to me and focus on getting it to me."

She nodded and pulled her hand back, throwing it. She winced, looking away when she saw it head straight for Erik.

"That's okay!" Scott called out, "You can look, it's okay."

Erik groaned. "No, it's not."

"Yeah, it is, he's just grumpy," Alex added. "Go on, Ruth, try again."

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