"You said I fell, that can't true." Indistinctly remember a pain entering my lungs closing up the air around me." It felt like I was going to die." I cinched an remembrance of my almost death. A low growl came from the other side of the room, I turned to see his stormy grey eyes darken, his jaw was clenched and he had the most iniquitous expression I ever seen it made my skin discomfort. His eyes saw my alarmed expression and he softened his tone instantly, while my in sides did flaps. What was that all about?

"It's must have been your mind playing tricks." You hit your head really bad." I was shocked at how utterly perfect his voice sounded in my ears. My body was slowly healing it's self due to the sweet husky base in his voice. They were all looking at me as tho I had three heads. Even the girl among them stared at me oddly. But I already knew what happened to me, I wanted to believe their words were true. It would be easier to think that I simply fell and bump my head. But in all reality I knew in my heart something unusual happened to me,something I can't explain. It sound crazy but it was defiantly supernatural, who else would I explain my sudden lost of oxygen. Sit like that just dosen't happen everyday.

"I know this is a lot to take in Katherine." But you shouldn't worry all you need to do is rest."his husky voice called out again almost overwhelming me with pleasure." I frowned, when I realize they knew who I was but I let in the dark about there's.

Before I could even start my sentence the other girl opened her mouth the speak leaving me speechless. "I'm terribly sorry for my brothers rudeness, I'm sure you don't want to seat in our guest room all day." She smiled the most pure sun bright smile ever. I automatically could tell we would get along great. I saw shocked her voice held such power and strength.

"It's fine uh..." I lingered out hopping one of them would fill me in with their names. I knew it would be her to speak before the others.

" My name is Enchant Pears and this is." she ponied at the golden eyed boy. "My pig-head of a big brother Peter and my other big brother over there." She pointed to the hand some mysterious boy in the coiner. "Is Nicolas."

 I froze haring his name, made something strange creep up into my brain. Like flash of images it was going by too fast for me to get a good look. I made out two figures and each one. And than the sound of someone laughing, it was the most blissful sound to enter my ears. It was my laugh, but I don't recall me ever embracing such a way. This has to be the strangest thing that's happen to me aside from my sudden black-out.

"Katherine did you hear me?"Enchant asked rising her tone a bit. I pushed my thoughts away.

"No I'm sorry, what was it again," I said sheepishly. She smiled warmly at me. "I said were going to try to get a hold of your Aunt Liz so she won't get a heart attack."

She laughed making me smile. Then with out another word they started to leave the room. I frowned. I don't them to leave me just yet. I could feel the butterflies slowly leaving me along with my strength it wouldn't belong before I was back to my weak helpless state. "Wait!" I shouted without thinking. With in a minute Peter was strolling back in the room. I was a little disappointed seeing him walk in. But that vanished once I saw that devilishly hand some smirk appeared on his cute boyish face.

"Well it didn't take you long enough to came calling back, but than again it never does with you girls." His smirk grew wider. I scrolled at him. He really needs to get over that big head of his.

"Well if your going to be an ass than you can leave," I pouted folding my arms like a four year old would do to her daddy.

He chuckled at me, the very sound made my heart beat a bit faster.

"I was only kidding, besides I couldn't leave you even if I wanted to." They assigned me to babysit." He tested. That little comment send my emotions in a total uproar.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2011 ⏰

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