Chapter Five: Nadia

Start from the beginning

"So you are leaving the North Pole then," Kavik sighs while leaning on the bridge's post.

"Well yeah, I would have to so that I could attend," I work through the logic with him giving him a confused glance.

"Would you come back?" he asks.

"What?" his question surprising me.

"Would you come back to the North Pole after?" he asks me again.

I don't know what answer to give him. Would I come back? Probably eventually, my brothers are still here. No matter how much I love adventure, I find the North Pole relaxing. But I think my role now is the Avatar and that comes first. I can't just abandon the people not like I feel like I abandoned Levi.

"Why do you ask?" I decide to ask him.

"It is just that I would miss you and I think the North Pole has been good for you," he tries to convince me. I find it sweet that he admits that he would miss me. But I find his insistence on staying here a little obsessive. 

"Oh Kavik that is... sweet. How about you could come with me? They said I could invite anyone I wanted, it is an open event. You could meet my friends and my relatives. Have a chance to explore a different city. We could have one last night of fun before we go our separate ways for a while," I say trying to comfort him on this fact.

"Really?" he asks. He looked really excited when I said he would get to meet my friends.

"Yeah, it would be good for you to get some experiences outside of the palace let alone the North Pole!" I exclaim.

"I'm not the complete shut in I used to be you know," he laughs at my exclamation.

"I know I know. So what do you say?" I ask him.

"I would love to go to Republic City with you," Kavik tells me.

Within the next couple of days, we were both packed and ready to go. His father seemed quite happy that we were going to Republic City together for some reason. The boat ride was long but we kept entertained by sharing stories of our adventures. I told him all about Serefina, Terra, Drake, Dante, Levi, the Air Temple, Boulder and Ba Sing Se. He told me about how he joined the army for a wider range of experiences, training, working with his father, reading some really cool and old scrolls from Avatar Aang's and Avatar Korra's time, and his waterbending training which has come along really nicely.

It is mid-afternoon when we dock since the boat left very early that morning. The boat docked in the Republic City port and we got off. I started showing Kavik some of the major buildings and landmarks, when all of a sudden using my earthbending I felt someone running towards us.

In no time at all, I feel myself get pushed to the ground by a familiar mess of black hair and green-blue eyes. Out of the corner of my vision, I notice Kavik in a fighting stance. I laugh at the entire situation.

"Hey there," I tell her.

"Nadia, you are here!!" she screams in my ear. She finally gets off of me and helps me up only to pull me into a proper hug.

"It is good to see you again Terra. How was Ba Sing Se?" I ask her.

"I surprisingly loved it. I teach earthbending, I have my own apartment, and I was able to help them clean up." Terra tells me briefly, but that is when she notices Kavik who has finally dropped his fighting stance when he realized she was not a threat. "And who are you?"

"Oh, Terra this is Kavik, my best friend from the North Pole and Kavik this is my cousin Terra," I introduce them. When I say cousin, Kavik visibly relaxes and smiles.

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