Chapter Seven: The Way to the Mountains

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6:00 pm. Second Day of my adventure in Termina. I have already awakened two sages and two more are missing. At this time of the day, I feel lonely. I'm back at Clock Town. Kafei disappeared and I fear he fell in the Radioactive Stone Tower. Of course, I need to master my powers. My dream is getting to be true by each hour it passes. I fear for my life. No. I fear for the World. If my dream comes true, then Hyrule, Labrynna, Termina, Holodrum and all the lands around the world are in peril. I just want everything to be a bad dream but it's my reality. I need to go to Master's Grove but I fear that something bad will happen. But, I need to hurry up and awaken the Sage of the Mountain. I need to find the E slab too. It's my only way to enter the damned Stone Tower. Suddenly, a Green Light, filled with a mysterious glow crosses the almost night sky of Termina. This time, no explosions. It filled me with a little bit of hope. Then, a horrid scared voice calls me:

- LIIIIIINNNNKKKK!!!! HELP....ME......... My skin, My skin. It burns. Im red like a Chuchu. Rock, Rock. Protection of Rock. 

Oh No!. It's Kafei. 

-Kafei! Can you hear me? - I ask to the voice

- Yes, Link - his voice crossed in agony- HELP ME - Crying

- I'm doing everything I can. Kafei, do you know who is the Sage of the Mountain - I scream

- YESSS!!!! Hurry Up to Darmani!!!

Suddenly, the voice went shut. So, Darmani, is the sage of the Mountain, whoever he is. I scream the name of the Tower of Time and I get transported to the Master's Grove. There Rauru, Jayson and the Deku Princess stand still in front of the Stone Tablet with one piece missing. 

- Hey guys - I say

- Link, this is terrible - says Rauru. Kafei is trapped in the Stone Tower and he is suffering. 

- I know Rauru, he talked to me and I'm scared as hell for him. We need a plan. Kafei told me that the Sage of the Mountain is Darmani. 

- Darmani? The Goron who died yesterday? - says the Deku Princess as my body chills to the bone. 

- He died? - I ask. But, how the hell is he supposed to be the sage of the mountain?

- Because I am a ghost now and you need to awaken my succesor - says a mysterious and hollow voice. Of course, I flinch. 

What is that eerie voice?

- Who are you? - asks Jay

- I am Darmani. I am the Goron Warrior that died. You need to find my succesor or find a way to rescue my body from the Depths of SnowHead. 

Great. Snowhead means Snow. Damn It.

- But, Darmani. What happened? - I aks

- Well, it's kind of a long story but here I go. .

Yesterday, we were playing normally. We were having our normal live when the imp appeared. We went to the Goron Peak, at the north of our Mountain Province, and the temple, suddenly froze and a horrendous blizzard started to roar. It was so blindful that many Gorons fled the place but I stayed. I went to check what the heck that blizzard was but then, snow started falling like there's no tomorrow. I ran and rolled to the top of the Peak, but then, the inevitable happened. The blizzard blew me away to the precipice and I fell. The next thing I remember was waking up on top of the peak and saw the Biggoron blowing from the center of the Peak. I went to Goron Village and there was Grief and Destruction. We had to seal the doors because everything was getting frozen. Of course, I just wish that we could recover my body so that I can awaken as the Sage of the Mountain. But I think it's too late for that. 

- No way! - I yell. I will go to the mountains and save your people. We need your power Darmani. We need you to awaken because you are destined to be the Sage that saves Termina. 

But suddenly, something I expected that was not going to happen, happened. I started to feel very hot. So hot as usual for the human body. My brother Jayson, started to do the same thing. We kind of ignored it, because it passed very swiftly. 

- Did the temperature rose suddenly? - I asked

- No? - said Rauru - Temperature is fine. 

- I felt hot too - said Jay. 

It's 9:30 pm right now. 

-Anyways, how are we going to climb the mountains of Termina to where you live Darmani? - I ask

- It's a simple task. Right now, tha path is blocked by a huge icecicle. You need to destroy it somehow. You will pass the Mountain Village, take a right, and will go thorugh a series of isles. Then, you will pass through the entrance to Goron Village. Tell my people what happened. They will teach you a song to finally destroy the evil of the blizzard. 

As soon as Darmani gave me the instructions, I felt sleepy, got dizzy and fell to the ground. It was 10:00 pm. 

As I woke up, I was in a very strange dark place. It resembled a lot my last dream of Stone Tower. This time, I was in Master's Grove. It was night time and the sky was a fury red color. As I walked around, I saw the Stone Tablet finished. Suddenly, a kind of purple portal opened and agreen light surged through the Stone Tablet, I played a Mysterious Song I have nerver heard before and got transported to the Evil Stone Tower. Somehow, the place looked kind of different. It was upstraight and not destroyed as my last dream. I saw a purple tornado at the bottom of the tower. The same radioactive look of last time, but it was controlled. Then, I saw six lights with different colors arriving at the Tower. Suddenly, I see that the six lights worked together but the inevitable happened. I started glowing and feeling hot. My flesh was burning and it was blakening. Fire started to cross my body and from the tip of my fingers. Suddenly, I exploded one time, activating the purple tornado. Then, the beginning of the end happened. I glowed faster and faster ant the fire was everywhere. I saw myself engulfed in flames. The fire grew and grew and then: KABOOM. A second explosion sent the Tower down to the ground and flying all over the place. Then, in the distance I saw the Moon fall on Clock Town and all I could see is me, falling to the infinite precipice woth my Ocarina in hands. The dream ended there and I screamed. 


- He's awake - said Jay

- Link, what happened to you? - asked Rauru. You started to heat up. We had to bring you to the Tower of Time so you wouldn't explode. 

- It was a horrible dream. I'm Scared - I said crying - I can't be the Sage of Master. It's my fault. I DESTROY TERMINA. 

As soon as I say that, everyone looks at me, doubtful. But, as they saw what had happened to me and my heat up, the sudden realization that I am a radioactive perk, the damned Clock Tower signaled that it was



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