Introduction: Time Passes By...

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Time Passes by...

It's the only thing that goes through my mind each day. It has been six months. Six long months since I left my home in Kokiri Forest. Six long months that I went away to find my old friend. I saved Hyrule, at least in the Future time, but I saved it. Zelda, she only gave me the Ocarina of Time for my secret and personal journey. Nobody knows what is my personal journey, but it's a journey to find myself once again. I just need time to think and time to reflect on my doings. Today, is my 15th brithday. Still, I have been lost for six months in these vast and deep woods. Nothing has changed, nothing has been made anew. It's still me, that kid that the Great Deku Tree summoned, accepted his trials, became the Hero of Time, and saved Hyrule. 

The only sound that I hear is that of the trees rustling. It's midnight, I think, and I haven't slept in days. I am with Epona, my horse, traveling in these woods. The trees rustle more hardly than before and I look around and see nothing. I continue with my way. I see a purple and white flickers of light coming towards me, and then they are gone. I keep looking around me and they bumo me out of my horse. It hurts really bad and I cant stand up. I hear a vaguely familiar voice saying 

-Huh? This Guy, that shouldn't be a problem

I know I have heard that mysterious voice somewhere, but then, I feel that they looted my pockets. The Ocarina of Time has been stolen from me! So, I gain all the forces that I have and Stand Up to confront the Skull Kid, with a weird looking mask. I try to trap him, but he takes my horse, I jump on his leg and I get pulled by all the force Epona made to run. Maybe three or four minutes passed and I fell in the ground in a strange area of the Forest. A big stump with an entrance and pilars of dead trees are there. 

I start tu run as fast as I can, jump the dead stumps, go through the entrance and fall in a deep void. 

Falling, and falling, and falling, I think that my life will end abruptly, but then I fall in what it looks like a Flower. I keep runing through a Tunnel in the woods and find a path to a mysterious looking road. A road filled with rocks, a damaged twisted corridor, and then, I see something truly majestic. I see a great big wheel, powered by water force, and running through a river stream. I had never seen anythin like it, not even in Hyrule. But of course, the first thing that came through my mind is

-Where am I? What is this place?

I see a stairway and I go through it, and then, I see a familiar face, The Happy Mask Salesman. 

-Hello Link - says the Happy Mask Salesman. 

"This is an odd place to meet, but here you are Hero of Time. You have suffered hardships in your adventures but I come to you for aid in a quest"

- What quest? - I ask

- I travel worldwide in search of exotic and rare masks. But, in one of my travels, a very strong, powerful and evil mask was stolen from me. It is none other than Majora's Mask. 

- What does the mask do? I ask 

- All I can tell you is that the mask is pure evil and causes great havoc in any town that it sets foot. I need you to rescue my mask, but there is one problem, I have to leave this place in exctly three days. I have to return to Hyrule to my shop. 

- Wait a minute. Do you know where we are? - I ask

- Yes, my Hero of Time. The place that we are right now is called Clock Town. Its located in the Land of Termina. It's kind of a parallel world to Hyrule. You will see many familiar faces. 

- So, you are giving me 72 hours to get the mask and return it to you?

- That's correct. I even think that you have something special and important to recover. i see that you dont have the Ocarina of Time.

"Shit, the Ocarina, how could I forget about that" - I Think

- There is one thing that I have to warn you Link. This land has been doomed to fade in three days too. So, if you can help the people survive the caraclysm, It will be helpful too.

"Great, the Hero of Time back in action, now saving another land"

-I accept. I will do everything that I can to save this land, my Ocarina and the Mask. 

After I bid farewell to the Happy Mask Salesman, again the same thought passess through my mind

Time Passes by...

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