"Whatever you love it." He said. "Yes I do sadly." I chuckled as I set some eggs and bacon on our plates. "So what are we going to do today?" I asked as I walked towards the eating area while Harry followed me. He really won't leave me alone at all right now. He's following me everywhere I go. Sort of like a lost puppy.

"I was thinking we can go sight seeing today." Harry grinned as he sat down, not long before pulling me on his lap. "Harry." I blushed as his arms buckled around my stomach. "What? I just want you close to me." He said before kissing my shoulder.

"Harry you're all over me. What's gotten into you?" I asked as I looked down at him. "I just don't want to loose you." He mumbled as he didn't make eye contact with me. "Harry, you're not going to loose me." I sighed. "I almost did yesterday." He whispered as he stared blankly at the plate.

"Harry, look at me. You won't loose me ok?" I said as I cupped his face and made him look into my eyes. "Okay." He whispered before I pressed my lips against his. He kissed me back passionately before I smiled and got up. I then sat down next to him before holding his hand. "You got nothing to worry about I promise." I smiled before I dug in.

"You know I liked it more when you were on my lap sweetie." He said as I laughed. "I kinda didn't want you to leave." He teased as I kept on laughing. "Well too bad Harry. Eat your food." I grinned as I chewed on turkey bacon. "Yes ma'am. Thanks for breakfast love." He said as I nodded my head. "My pleasure." I smiled.

"You know what my pleasure is?" Harry mumbled as he ate a piece of his egg. "What?" I raised an eyebrow. "You." He grinned as he reached for my waist and squeezed it. "Harry! Stop!" I laughed as I pushed his hand away. We both started to laugh together, only filling my mind with positive thinking.

I can handle this. I can live the rest of my life happy with Harry, if he was always like this.

Later in the day.......

"So we were here, and now were over here." Harry said to Casper as they held a map. "Oh ok, I see where we are now. Maybe we can go here then, and go to this place tomorrow." Casper suggested as I occupied myself with the ice cream in my hand. "What's going on?" I asked before licking the sweet cheese cake flavored ice cream.

"Trying to figure out where to go next." Harry mumbled before looking back down at the map. "Why don't we just do some window shopping and stuff?" I asked, not really wanting to settle for a plan. I wanted to just do whatever. "Because we already did that babe." Harry mumbled. I then sighed before looking around. We're literally just standing in the middle of town looking at a map. How silly.

I smirked at the thought of those two looking at a map before I turned my head to look around. It's so pretty down here. I love it. The weather is terrible I admit, but I still love it. I then felt uncomfortable as I realized a middle aged man was gawking at me. I then looked away, licking my ice cream to ignore him.

But my conscience told me to look back so I obeyed and saw that he was still staring right at me. "Harry." I whispered. "No, we already went there. How about here." Harry said as he pointed at a spot on the map. "Harry." I said a bit louder as I poked his side. "What babe?" He raised an eyebrow. He was clearly frustrated due to him not making eye contact with me.

"I think someone is staring at me in a strange way. He won't look away." I said. I then rolled my eyes as I realized Harry wasn't paying attention. It's so loud out here. "Harry." I was desperate for his attention as I grabbed his hand and pulled on it. "What Allie?" He asked as he turned his head and looked at me. "Someone is staring at me and he won't look away." I mumbled to him.

"Who?" His eyebrows narrowed as his voice grew strong. "Don't look now but he's sitting by the coffee shop." I said before I looked away. From the corner of my eye I saw Harry slowly look that way and he tensed a bit. "Just some pervert. He's checking out other girls." Harry mumbled before he grinned. "He knows he can't have you. You're mine." Harry said before he wrapped his arm around my waist.

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