The Colors Of The World

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The color of blood,
and of some roses tall.

The color of sunsets,
and leaves in the fall.

The color of sunshine,
and young flowers around.

The color of grass,
and leaves high off the ground.

The color of sky,
and the eyes of your friend.

The color of oceans,
and some pansy's petal ends.

The color of clouds
you might see as you dream.

These "colors", you see,
are much more than they seem.

These colors on everything,
from an elephant to a bean.

These colors,
from top to bottom,
and in-between.

They help us describe.
They help knowledge grow.

They let us see something
that we should all know.

Whether you've been through
sone horrible pain,
or if you've just been
horribly bored in the rain,
these colors you see,
they let themselves go.

Yes, these colors, you see,
they give us a rainbow.

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