Gone × GyuJin

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Your P.O.V

I was jogging at a park nearby. I jogged while listening to EXO's Monster that have been a popular song these days. I was singing the pop song with my eyes closed, my mood was on since the morning isn't that hot.

Suddenly I bumped into this boy. A thick-eyebrow boy that is very rare to meet. We made an eye-contact for just 3 seconds until he helped me standing up.

My knee bleeded. I didin't bring a bandage, but good thing he had one. He helped me sit at the bench and put the bandage for me. I blushed since I don't even know him and he's a very kind person.

GyuJin's P.O.V

Suddenly I bumped into this girl. I quickly helped her sit on the bench. Good thing a I brought a bandage, but I don't know if it can work on her, but I'm sure it won't. It's sad to accept the fact. She's like other normal people.

She asked for my number.."May I have your number? Since you helped me , I want to replay your kindness back?"

"Sorry, but I have no phone. I have to go know.." I replied and just ran away. I felt guilty but that's the only thing that I can do if people meet me. Run.

"Wait!" She shouted. I just ran away without looking back.

Your P.O.V

"Wait!" I shouted but he just ran away. I really want to repay him. But I just walked home since I have no choice but to.

I opened the door and suddenly my mother asked me a question. "What happened to your knee, dear?"

"I just fell down, not serious. By the way, it's bandaged already so don't worry."

"If you want any bandage just take it in the drawer."
She replied without hearing my explanation. She was cooking breakfast so maybe that's why.

I quickly went to my room and sat down on the bed looking at my knee. "Eh? Where's the bandage?" I looked for the bandage.

"Maybe it fell when I was going home." I confidently said without thinking more.

GyuJin's P.O.V

"Hmph...." I sigh and just walked around the park. Thinking about the girl. "She'll never see me again, I'm sure, just like other people. Once seen, never later." It is very sad to accept the fact that I'm not a human. ANYMORE.

After a week~★

Your P.O.V

As usual every weekend, jogging at the park. I jogged as I try to find the boy I met last week. But he is no where to find, until, I saw him alone sitting,
near the river.

I walked towards him without him knowing. "Hey!"
I shouted at him. He didn't give any response unfortunately. I shouted again. Just the same.

I patted his back softly. "Hey, nice to meet you!" I looked at him, reaching his hands and shaking them.

He looks so shocked that I looked like a murderer.

GyuJin's P.O.V

I heard the girl's voice shouting "Hey!".. I didn't look that I know it wasn't me that she's calling.

But, I feel someone patting my back softly and suddenly talked to me. The girl I met last week.

"Is this true?" I asked myself.

"It's you right?" She asked me with a wide smile.
"Good thing you're here!" She said to me like I really exist on this world.

Your P.O.V

"Why did you ran away last time? Am I that scary?" You asked while laughing.

Why is his face still shocked?
Why isn't he responding to anything?

"Uhm, I was just shocked." GyuJin replied.

"Eii, you're a man. Btw, my name is (Y/N)! Nice to meet you! What's your name?" I smiled as usual, try not to make it awkward.

"My name is, Gyu.."

I shaked his hand. I was happy to meet him. Like I'm meeting someone special.

"You've been helping me last time, now let me treat you something!" You pulled his hand to the stores and markets.

"Lets drink coffee!"

At the cafè. It was awkward. He didn't say even a word. I asked him what coffee he wanted while ordering. But he didn't answered anything.

The worker looked kinda weird at me. I just ordered 2 Iced Americano even I don't know if he'll like it.

We walked out together. I gave gave him the Iced Americano but he refused to take it.

"I don't drink coffee, I'm so sorry.."

He replied kindly.

It was time for me to go home. I've never thought that he would walk me there. How kind.

I took a selfie of us together. Excited to show it to mom that I met a new friend.

GyuJin's P.O.V

I feel bad for refusing to take the coffee. I'm also impressed by myself for sending her home. Never thought of it.

I'm happy she's happy.

I walked back to the park with a wide smile, thinking how cute and kind she was. She's just like Magic from far.

I want her to be my friend forever! Because, it can't be more than that.

Your P.O.V

"Mom,mom,mom!" I called her excitedly. This is the boy who helped me when I fell last time.

"What do you mean? That's just you." I looked at the picture again. It's me and Gyu.

"Mom, don't play with me. He's beside me here." I told mom again.

She suddely put her hands on my forehead. "It's not hot. Get changed, lets go to the hospital."

Well, that's a sudden. Why are we going to the hospital? I get changed without knowing the reason.

At the hospital~★

My mom explained everything what happened. I didn't take is serious.

The doctor did an eye test to me and suspected something in my eye.

"Your daughter has something in her eyes that only
1 in 1000000 can get. It's really rare and can be cured by a simple injection. After that it's gone."

"You mean I won't see the person again?" I asked the doctor.

"Yes." The doctor replied without explaining.

"Is it's like that, I don't wanna take the injection. He's my friend, I can't leave him just like that."

You start sitting on the bed rather than laying down and start to wear your shoes.

"Don't be naughty! Take the injection I say!" My mom shouted.

I didn't take care what my mom said. I only thinked about Gyu.

Suddenly the doctor called the nurses to hold me so he can give the injection.

"No! Please! I don't want it!"

The doctor got to give me the injection. I started crying. I quickly ran to the park not thinking care about the bleed.

"Gyu, where are you?!"

I see Gyu waving to me.I was happy to still see him. But I started to get dizzy and fainted.

I woke up, seeing myself sitting on one of the benches where Gyu helped me with the bandage on the hot afternoon with an umbrella to shade.

"Gyu? Gyu?" I called him, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"He's gone...." I started tearing and walked home.



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