Be Mine × JinHoo *Part3*

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"I want to talk about my friend's son has been beaten by your student here at school." Your mom said to the principal.

"Who?" He replied.

"Kim JinHoo, he has been beaten badly by Kang MunHyeok. " Your mother said with anger.

"Kang MunHyeok? Do you have evidence for this case?"

"I still don't have, but I'm sure, I'll find one."
Your mom went back to her office and sat down on her chair.
"I will find one, to make my daughter happy."

You're walking around Seoul, thinking about the video.
"Should I tell omma?"

JinHoo's House~★
"JinHoo, come outside, lets eat breakfast." JinHoo's omma called him several times.
"Omma, I don't want to. I'm not hungry.." He replied.
"(Y/N), what have I done to you? I thought you liked me.."

"Yeobo, what's wrong with our son?" Jinhoo's omma asked.
"Maybe love problem?" He replied.
"Who does he even like? He's just busy studying.."
"You don't know?"
"Find it out yourself yeobo..."

At your house~★
You, appa and omma are eating dinner together.
"(Y/N), do you have the video that JinHoo got beaten?" Your omma asked suddenly.
"Beaten? JinHoo?" Your appa asked.
"I don't have, but in my fanpage.." you replied.
"You have a fanpage? Why didin't you tell me? "
Your appa asked.
"I thought it wasn't none of your buisness, they're just from my school." You replied back like almost got an heart attack.
"Let's just discuss this after dinner, dear."

After dinner~★
You and your mom are in your room, discussing about the case.
"Omma, why do you want the video?" You asked.
"Just for some reason...may I have it now?" She replied.
"Ne, I'll give it.."

The next morning~★
"Here, this is the evidence." Your mom show the video to the principal.
"Now, what are you going to do to the student?"
Your omma asked the principal.

Suddenly someone opened the door.

"Appa, I bought you...."
"Kang MunHyeok? Aigoo, I never expected this. Appa? Just a waste of time I came here." Your mom said.
"Please, I love (Y/N)! I want to be with her again..."
MunHyeok holds your mom's hand.
"If you love her, why did you hurt her feelings?! You should have gave the best for her! If you love her, please, let her be happy ." Your mom shouted.
"The best for her?"
"MunHyeok, I'm so dissapointed with you!"
"Then, send me to Australia if you're dissapointed so much with me. Or maybe, I'll just die, that's better. I can't live here!" MunHyeok slam the door.

You are watching the television, suddenly news came out.
"Usually news don't come out on this time. Just disturbing." You said while eating snacks.
"One 17-year old boy died when he comitted suicide, jumping from the 20th floor of a building.
The boy is Kang MunHyeok, a student from a High School at Seoul. The - ..."
"K-Kang MunHyeok?!" You were shocked.
"Is it because of me? No of course no, it's his choice to die.. he deserves to die. Then, what should I do with JinHoo? Should I accept his love? How is he now? " You suddenly became weird, saying about bad things. You decided to make lunch for JinHoo, but a different one. Fried rice.

"Miss, do you want me to help you?" Your maid ask.
"You could help me with the recipe." You replied.

You cook happily with love. You put a heart using ketchup. You walked to JinHoo's house singing UP10TION's Dito. When you arrived, you saw JinHoo's appa, working in the garden.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Ahjusshi.. I came here to see JinHoo. I made him lunch, how is he?" You asked.
"Ne, he even didin't eat breakfast, it's a good thing that you brought him lunch. Maybe he'll eat it. He's in his room beside the kitchen. But, do you know why he is so sad?" He replied.
"I-I didin't accept his love for some reasons. But I'm here to accept his love and discuss with him.."

You went into the house and finds JinHoo's room. Suddenly you saw JinHoo's omma.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Ahjumma.." You greeted her.
"What comes you here pretty girl? And what's that?" She asked.
"This is lunch for JinHoo, but I made a lot."
"Ah, that's good, he didin't eat breakfast at all. Thank you for the lunch. His room is there."

You come towards JinHoo's room. You wanted to knock his door, suddenly...

"(Y/N)...Be mine please..." He hugged you with no energy.
"JinHoo, I'm, I'm yours now.." you smiled.
"Ne.. sarang-"
"JinHoo, JinHoo..."

He suddenly fainted.

"JinHoo, you're awake?" You smiled looking at you.
"This, I made you lunch! I made it with full of love like before." You smirked.
"Feed me then. I'm sick." He said.
"No! Eat it yourself." You shouted
"Jebal~" He winked a lot at you.
"Ne, arraseo!"

You and JinHoo laughed a lot.

"Let me feed you now." He said.
"Nah, it's okay, by the way this is yours. I made it for you. Not for me." You replied.
"Just this once."
"Aigoo, okay then, give me a spoonful then!"

He gave you a spoonful like you wanted. Ketchup was a little mess around you lips but you didin't reliezed about it.

"Let me wipe it for you." He said to you.

He wiped your lips softly. It was quite awkward.

"Kamsa JinHoo~"

You went home with a full smile. You can never stop smiling thinking about your relationship with JinHoo. It is like a dream. Just a few days, it became from friends to best friends to a couple.
You wrote a status on your fanpage.

"To all my fans, thank you for all your love. But I think I don't really need you all to be my fans. I want you guys to be my friend. And I'm happy to say that, I'm in a realtionship with JinHoo. Please don't make him sad ,because he has been through a lot to make me happy like never before. He also made me , omma and appa as a happy family."

-This is the longgest story I made so  far. Please support a lot.


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