Magic Ice Cream × HwanHee

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You went to the most fun Amusement Park in the world to you in the afternoon. Of course you went there with your boyfriend, Lee HwanHee. He is the one who invited you to go there, even you don't want to.

He had been your boyfriend for more than 5 years already since you guys met at your office. You and HwanHee are hosts for 'Entertainment Weekly' on KBS World even you guys are still 26 year old.

You guys are always busy and stressed with work, so you went there to release your sttess and have fun.

"HwanHee, what should we do first?" You asked him since it was the first time you go there.

"We should ride somthing of course. Let's ride the rollercoaster!"

"Won't you be sick? I don't want you to throw up after riding it."

"Of course I won't! I'm strong~"

You guys walk to the rollercoaster.

"That is one tall rollercoaster, HwanHee..." You looked at it while talking at HwanHee.

"You should try extreme rides since its your first time to an amusement park!" He replied. "Don't worry, I'm always by your side."

He hold your hands and walked towards it. You guys didin't need to line up since there weren't many people wanted to ride it.

You buckle up the seat belts. And looked at HwanHee. You feel like you want to faint. You started to sweat a lot.

"HwanHee, I'm scared.."
"Don't worry...everything will be fine..It's starting!"

You shouted as loud as you can. You felt so relieved after the ride.

"HwanHee, I don't wanna ride that thing anymore..." You said to him while wiping your face that was full of sweat.

"Awhh, don't be like that! It's healthy for you..Look all the sweat.." He replied,laughing at you.

"Aigoo, now where should we go now?" You asked him.

"To the haunted house?" He smirked at you.

"Why do you even need to take me to places that makes me sweat a lot...?"

"You should sweat a lot at here.Have fun!" He pulled your hand to the haunted house.

"HwanHee, is it okay to go inside? It looks dangerous..There are so many people shouting..
" You tried to avoid yourself from going in there.

"There's nothing dangerous..! They're just scared... Lets go!" He replied confidently.

"You guys only need to find the keg and the way out. But you guys can be the ghosts!" The worker tried to scared you.

"Nice try, we won't!" HwanHee replied.

You guys went into the haunted house together, holding hands tightly. The door smashed. You heard ghosts laughing trying to scare you. Suddenly you heard fast footsteps from behind. You looked back and there's a ghost chasing.

"HwanHee! There's a ghost behind us! Run!!" You shouted at HwanHee.

You stumbled at a chair and fell on HwanHee. You get to face to face with him when falling.

"Omo HwanHee, mian.." You stand up.
"It's okay, are you okay? Lets end this terrible adventure." He replied smiling at you.

You guys walked together and tried to find the key from room to room. You found a key on a ghost that is laying on the floor. The room was dark and there's only light at the ghost.

"HwanHee, could you take it?" You asked him.
"Of course, I'm brave!" He showed off.

You see HwanHee. Trying to get the keys and suddenly HwanHee shouted for help.

"(Y/N)!! Help me!!!"

You saw HwanHee shouting for help and trying to run from the ghost but still he can't. He got pulled into a dark room.

"HwanHee-ya!! What should I do? Now, I'm lonely.."

A boy costumed in a vampire came out from one of the lockers in it.

"Since your partner is stolen this is your mission to take him back from the ghosts." The boy said.

"A mission?" You asked.

You have a mission. You need to save your partner from the ghosts! If you want to get out from here as fast as you can, you can just leave your partner here until the amusement park is going to close. You need to find the magic ice cream if you want to save him! The magic ice cream also can easily find the keys for you to get out with your partner. GOOD LUCK!

"I really want to get out of here..But I can't just leave HwanHee alone..Pfft, magic ice cream.. I wonder what it tastes.. You mumbled.

You quickly tried to find the magic ice cream in the haunted house.

"There's no ghost, there's no ghost, there's no ghost.."

Suddenly another ghost came out from the locker.

"Eii! Stop it!" You shouted. You saw something sprakling from the darkest room there. "There's the maaaaagic ice cream..but, why is it so dark? Is it full of ghosts?" You wondered. "No! I need to save Hwanhee!" You tried to be brave. You walked into there, step by step. You heard the door slowly closing.. "Bam!" The door shut.

You quickly took the magic ice cream and ran away but you fell. Suddenly, all the lights in the haunted house turned on. "Omo.." You saw HwanHee standing in front of you, helping you standing up.

There were a lot of people in the room. You know all of them. "What are you guys doing here with the balloons?" You asked them. But they didin't give any response.

"(Y/N), if you really want to save all of us, eat the magic ice cream so you can break the curse." HwanHee said to you.

You felt sad that maybe you failed the mission and had to eat the ice cream. The ice cream taste something similar to your favourite ice cream that you made with HwanHee before. All of the people just looked at uou while you finish the ice cream at a white table with pink ribbons on it.

"Why does it have this taste? It's the one that I
Made with HwanHee..and it was hard to make this mysterious flavour..."

You were going to eat the last spoon but you saw something sparkling in it, and it was very hard.

"It-it's a ring?!" You asked.
HwanHee quickly took the ring from you. He looked into your eyes deeply.

"(Y/N), would you accept me to be your husband till the end?" He asked.

You eyes started to get teary. "Yes..." you replied. The other people started to clap their hands. "HwanHee-ya! Saranghae.. I won't ever leave you.." You hugged him tightly.



Sorry for making you and HwanHee 26 lol.

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