Memories × Kuhn

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*It started with..*

"Kuhn, would you like to go joging with me tomorrow?" You called Kuhn.
"M-mianhae, I'm quite busy ,maybe next time."He replied.
"Khun! Why are you like this? It's already weeks since the last time we spent out together.. Do you have any problem? If you have please, tell me.."
You replied.
"It's nothing, I'm so sorry.." He puts.
"I'm sure there's something wrong.."

*The next day, he wanted to meet me at a park nearby. I dressed nicely..I thought that, he was going to spend some time with me but...*

"Kuhn!" You hugged him tightly.
"Ah, (Y/N) ....Let's sit down first, there is something I want to discuss about.."

*I sat down with him on this bench with full of happiness,but it turned out bad.. I still like to go here, to remember all the good times.*

"(Y/N), let's break..." he said.
"K-K-Kuhn, w-what do you mean? Is there something that I did wrong to you? Why are you like this to me?" You asked.
"It's for your best, I can't take care of you already.. I want you to live happy with another,better guy than me."

*Then, he gave me the most precious thing.. our relationship ring with our name with it. He also gave me a handkerchief with hearts on it. My heart broke into pieces. I still wear it until now.. I still wanted find out why was he leaving me with a sudden so I followed him around the next day in the morning. I looked at him from far near his house. He's face, not like the one I know He went . *

"Khun...." you whispered.

*Someone called him but I wasn't sure who. I heard a little bit if of the conversation.*

"Ne , yoboseyo..."
"I'll come in a few minutes later..."

*I followed him everywhere he went. He just walked to every place he went instead of riding his car. He went to the hospital. Then I thought..*

"Is he hurt? Or have a serious disease?"

*He went into a doctor's room. I sat outside for almost 1 hour My heads started to ask a lot of questions. When he got out from the room, his face, wanted to make me cry. I went to the doctor's room without premission..*

"Hello, doctor, may I take some of your time?"
"Sure, but quick, I have another in 5 minutes patient."
"About the patient before..."
"What disease that he have?"
"I'm sorry, I can't share the patient's information.."
"But please, only this one chance..."

*The doctor explained everything to me. I was very shocked. My heart, it's about to explode. I can't accept it..*

"He only have 10 days to live? But why won't anyone help him? He needs surgery..."

*I wanted to meet him. At last, we met at a cafè.
His bright smils wasn't there. I really wanted to help him bring back the smile.*

"Khun, how are you?"
"I'm fine.." he replied.
"I know everything..Why didin't you tell me about this?!" You shouted at him.
"I don't want you to be worried.." he replied.

*Suddenly, he got a call.. *

"Jinjja?! Ne, I'll come now.." he puts.
"What's wrong?" You asked.
"I'm sorry but I need to go now.."

*He left me alone just like that, I think positive. Maybe he was so excited. A good news? That night, I went out to buy dinner. It was quite late but I can't just leave my tummy hungry. My mother wasn't home. When I wanted to go home after buying, 2 drunk men started bothering me. I didin't care about them so I walked faster.

"Ya! You girl! Where do you want to go?!" One of the men started shouting.

*I just walked, without looking back, suddenly..*

"This is what you get..!"

*The man just threw an empty soju botol towards me and hit both of my eyes and I fainted. That's why I'm blind right now. The next day, I found out that I was at the hospital. I heard the my mom's conversation with the doctor. That time, I know that I wasn't dreaming in a dark place.. it's reality. I needed to accept the faith that happened to me. From that, I also started to forget Kuhn until now. I hope, he's still alive and forgets about me.*

"The end..Mister, it's yout turn to talk about your love story.. Mister? You hold his hands and feel that his hands were wet. "Were you crying?"
"M-mianhae, it's just..."
"Don't cry. Take this. Wipe your face.." You gave him your favourite handkerchief, with hearts on it.
"Uhmm, this is for you.. I need to go now..Let someone read it for you. Remember, I'll always take care of you from far.." The mister replied.
"But, what's your name? I think this is a letter?"
"(Y/N)! Let's go home now.." Your sister called.
"Wait, sis.. please read this for me first..." you replied.
"You got a letter? Let me read it for you.."

Dear (Y/N),
I hope you're living happily without me. Take care of your health.. Always be happy like you're with me. But, I'm sorry I just left you like a trash. I hope we can be together but it's too late. So, I made a decision to only sit with you, on the bench with full of memories as a friend. But, it's time for me, to forget about you. Annyeong.

Your friend,

"Sis, c-can you call the man who just sat beside me?" You said to your sister.
"I can't find him.." She replied.
"Thank you, Kuhn." You said in your heart.

UP10TION Imagines~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora