More Than That × KoGyeol

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You moved to South Korea since your father  need to  work there. Good thing that you learnt how to speak Korean before moving. Your mother worked at a restaurant in the morning near your house.

You studied at a low-grade school that you even don't know why. You are a smart but you need to study there since the next school, high-grade school didin't accept you. You always wonder how the students are.

The 3rd day of school, you already know that you need to face the mid-term exam next week. Since there is exam, you studied alone at school because all the students in your class are just lazy and don't even care. You didin't study at home because there are too much things distracting you from studying.

The week of the exam~★
"Alright students, you can start!" The teacher shouted.

You passed the Add-Math exam easily since you studied hard for it.

The week passed quicky. The science exan was hard but you still managed to pass it.

The week of getting the results~★
"Now, you can take the results. Congratulations (Y/N) , you are the best student for this exam."  You were so happy that you couldn't wait to tell to your parents.

"Kriinngggggg!!" The bell rings.

You quickly take your bag, hold your papers and walked home. At the same time, you saw students from the next school holding their papers with joy.

"They must got good grades too, but maybe better than mine." Suddenly a boy from behind pushed you. You fell and reliezed that your papers flew.

The boy quickly take your papers and gave it back to you.
"I'm so sorry.." The boy said politely.
"Nah, that's okay.. " you replied. You didin't look at his face because you were too shy.

You still didin't notice it was a boy from the next school. "So you got 95% for Science? Wow.." He said.

You look at his face and suddenly didin't know what to do. "What should I do?! He's so handsome and from the next school! He must be so smart.."

"Uhm, your's must be higher, you're from the next school." You replied.
"Mine's just the same as yours. And by the way, my name's KoGyeol, nice to meet you." He smiled widely. He shaked your hands.
"My name is (Y/N). Nice to meet you too.. I need to go home quickly now, See you soon! Anyeong..." You quicky ran.
"Ne annyeong.."

At your house~★
"(Y/N)! How's your results?!" Your mother asked.
"This.." You quicky ran to your room and started day dreaming. "KoGyeol.." You smiled.

The next day~★
You tried to find KoGyeol, but you can't find him. You went to madam Oh's bakery like your mother asked to.

"Annyeonghaseyo~" You went inside.

Before going to school~★
"Mwo Omma?" You asked her.
"Take this.." She gave you 5000 won.
"For what?" You asked curiously.
"Buy anything at Madam Oh's bakery.."
"What for?"
"For getting good results, I need to go home late tomorrow, I have a meeting.."

At the bakery~★
Suddenly, you saw madam Oh coming towards you. You greeted her politely like you always do to other people.

"Ah, you must be (Y/N), the new neighbour..This is the first time you come here, right? Pick one, you won't need to pay for it." She suddenly said.
"But..." You didin't get to finish.
"Don't worry.."

You took a vanilla ice cream cake and sat down on a bench alone. You were the only person who's sitting there. The quite atmosphere made you get to release your stress after the exam.

"Omma, I'm hungry~" Someone shouted.

You saw the boy hugging madam Oh so you think that maybe it was her son. You finished the cake and went to Madam Oh to thank her.

"Madam Oh, thank you for the cake!"

She suddenly hugged you. "It's okay, my pleasure.."

She called his son to go home together since we're neighbours.

"Kogyeol! Ppali wa~" she shouted.
"Ne eomma.." He shouted back.
"Go home with her, she's our new neighbour, you didin't even get to meet her when she moved here. Talk with her..annyeong.."

You and Kogyeol went home walking along the roads. You started the conversation with him.

"I didin't know that we are neighbours.."

"Hmph, I also didin't know , so don't blame yourself. How about tomorrow we go to school together?" He asked.

"Sure, but what time do you go? I've never seen you go to school before even we're neighbours."

"I go to school on 6:55a.m."

"What?!" You shouted.

He quicky shut your mouth. You pulled his hands from his mouth.

"I'm so sorry, why do you go to school so early? I even go to school on 7:20a.m..."

"It's normal to me already. I study at school in the morning there."

"Why would you- ah...Next school. Nevermind.."

"Even though I'm from the next school or whatever, how do you manage to get high marks? You even don't go to school early. When do you study? I'm so curious." He asked.

"I study when I have time. That's all."

"So, are you free tomorrow?"

"For what?"

"I mean like, we can hang out together. If you want to."

"Maybe? Hehe, not sure yett.." Your heart beated faster. You didin't really know what to reply. "Hmm, ok then.. I'll wait in front of your school tomorrow!" You ran quickly into your house.

The next day~★
You waited KoGyeol in front of his school. You saw him with his friends. He ran to you when he saw you waving at him. All the students at his school started staring at you both.

"Kogyeol-ah, why are they staring at us?"  You asked him.
"Just don't care about them. Kaja!" He pulled your hand and went to the market where it selles various of things.

He brought you to a stall where it sells bracelet, rings, and necklaces.

"Take this.." He gave you a bracelet.
"Mianhae (Y/N)..."He also wore the same colour and type.
"Waeyo? Is this a friendship bracelet?" You asked him.
"Yes. But I hope we are more than that! Annyeong.." He ran away.
"KoGyeol-ah! Aigoo.." you smiled and chased after him but at last, you just walked home.



Sorry guys, I'm so busy.. I wrote this because  after my mid term exam & I have this 2 weeks holiday so I have time. Mianhae.. And also I'm lack of ideas ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

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