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Lay Me Down Chester See version song fic.

Yes I do I believe that one day I will be where I was right there right next to you.

Jay sighed as he sat against the door of his house that he had been kicked out of. Evie was finished with his bullshit and kicked him out. He had no where else to go. He couldn't call his friends because he didn't feel like talking about it.

Then he crossed his mind. Carlos. The man that captured Jay's' heart and refused to return it. He had a husband and a kid. He could never return Jay's feelings. Ever.

And it's hard. The days just seem so dark. The moon and the stars are nothing without you.

Jay got up from the porch and started walking. He walked aimlessly for minutes that seemed like hours. He looked up at the sky. The stars seemed so dull at this moment in time. He saw where he was.

The De Vil Residence.

Of course his dumb feet would take him here. To be honest he felt like Carlos was the only one he could talk to about the situation.

He knocked on the door continuously until someone opened it. "What ingrate could want to come here in the middle of the night?!" Carlos mumbled unhappily as he got out of bed. He wore a pair of blue pajama bottoms and was shirtless.

"What do you wa- Jay? Why are you here? Do you have any idea what time it is?!" Carlos exclaimed making Jay hush him. "Yes I do.. I just need someone to talk to." Jay said sighing. He let Carlos come outside and closed the door behind him.

"Well?" Carlos asked crossing his arms. "Evie kicked me out." Jay stated. Carlos' eyes widen.

Your touch. Your skin. Where do I begin? No words can explain the way I'm missing you. The night this emptiness this hole that I'm inside. These tears, they tell their own story.

"... And I dont know what to do. You were the only person I felt like I could tell about this. I need a friend right now Carlos." Jay said as tears streamed down his face. He hated feeling so vulnerable. Especially before Carlos.

"All I can say is to suck it up and man up. Crying will get you no where." Carlos said not to Jay's surprise. He knew Carlos would be cold. "You are a villian Jay. To see you shut down like this because of a woman is disappointing to say the least." He continued.

"Jay what are you doing?!" He exclaimed as he felt himself be crushed in a hug by Jay. "C-Carlos you have to understand that this hard. Just imagine if Al got tired of you and sent you packing. It would hurt. A little compassion is all I ask." Jay said trembling from all of the crying.

Carlos rolled his eyes but rubbed Jay's back. He had to say looking at it from that way really made him realize how hard it was for Jay. "There, there Jay." He said as Jay stopped crying but was still sniffling.

Jay laid his head ontop of Carlos', the man's hair tickling his face. He smelled wonderful. It felt great to be comforted by someone so cold hearted.

He pulled back to look at Carlos. Gosh did he look amazing under the moonlight. "Carlos. I give you full permission to hate me after this." He said confusing Carlos as he smashed his lips onto the shorter man.

No matter how much Carlos tried to pull away, Jay was stronger. He had his hand on the back of Carlos' head to keep him in place while the other one was on his lower back. Carlos gripped Jay's shirt as his legs felt like jelly.

He kissed back.

"I'm sorry Carlos." Jay whispered against Carlos' addictive lips. "Jay..." Carlos whispered. Jay pulled back. "Why on earth did you do that?!" Carlos exclaimed pushing Jay away. He already lost his wife and child. Why not lose Carlos while he's at it?

Told me not to cry when you were gone. But the feelings overwhelming. It's much to strong.

Carlos turned to leave but Jay caught his hand. "Carlos please don't go. I need you." He said, no begged. He pleaded for Carlos not to go.

"Jay this is wrong. I have a husband and child. I can't be with you. I can't stay." Carlos said trying to escape Jay's iorn hold. "Let's forget about that tonight." Jay said pulling Carlos close. "You know you felt something. You kissed me back. Carlos I don't want to lose you too." Jay said holding Carlos' hands close to him.

Carlos stared at Jay in shock. "Y.. You won't." He said sighing. He may hate Jay sometimes but he does care for the man a lot.

Can I lay by your side? Next to you. You.

"Carlos I have no place to stay. Please let me stay with you." Jay said caressing the shorter man's check. "Okay." Carlos said making Jay smile. "Thank you Carlos." He said leaning down to capture his lips in a kiss.

And make sure you're alright. I'll take care of you. And I don't want to be here if I can't be with you tonight.

Carlos took Jay inside and to the guest room. Jay took off his shirt and shoes. He then got into the bed. "I know you can't but just stay with me for a while. Or at least until I fall asleep?" Jay asked sitting up in the bed. Carlos sighed. He got into the bed making Jay smile. He laid down in the bed and wrapped his arms around Carlos.

"Jay!" Carlos whispered. "You can't do that. Not in my house that my family lives at!" He exclaimed quietly. Jay kissed him. "They'll never know." He said smiling down at Carlos who blushed.

"I love you Carlos.." Jay said yawning. "I love you too Jay." Carlos said stroking Jay's hair as the man fell asleep.

Carlos smiled softly. He decided to stay a bit longer then left to he and his husband's room.

Although he didn't know if he wanted Al to be his husband anymore.






Please excuse all grammar errors!

I think that is all I love you all and I will see YOU in the next update! Bai!

- Z Xx

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