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My goals are:

14k reads
500 votes

Before my birthday December 27

Can we do it my wattpad strangers? I'm pretty sure we can.


Jay woke up the same old way. He got up, straightening his sheets.


Then again

Then again.

He turned his lights on.

Then off and on again.

Then off and on again.

And just one more time.

Until he was satisfied.

He walked to the bathroom. He turned the light on.

Then off and on.

Then again

And once more.

He then took his brush from it's appropriate place and brushed his hair 100 times until perfection.

He put on his usual leather attire and a beanie. He looked at himself in the mirror. He hated how lifeless and colorless his eyes were.

He didn't know if his eyes had color.

His life was literally Black and White.

He was diagnosed with a rare disease that allows him only to see in black and white.

Remember those old timey shows with no color?

That's his life everyday.

And if it couldn't get any worse, he had OCD as well. Everything had to be neat, with no error, all the time.

He didn't ask for this. It just happened.

He turned the lights off. Again. Then again. And again.

He walked out of the bathroom. He walled out of his room turning the light off. For a second time. Then a third. And a fourth.

He walked downstairs, not missing a step. He got his backpack. He walked out of the house not eating anything.

He couldn't see the blue skies or green grass like everyone else.

He couldn't experience what it feels like to be normal.



Abnormal piece of trash

The little voice in his head shouted at him. He didn't want to listen.

Even if the voice was right.

He got to school late as usual. Not wanting to have to touch the sweaty, nasty teenagers. He walked the halls to his first period.

"Nice of you to join us Jay." Mr. Whats-his-face said. Jay kept his head low.

He walked to his desk. He noticed something different though. The desk beside him wasn't empty.

A boy sat beside him. He was beautiful. Just gorgeous.



Jay couldn't help it if he thought this way about boys. He couldn't help the way he was about anything. He was stuck in this spiral of endless heartache and misery.

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