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"Jay.. I want to take it to the next level in our relationship. I want to give myself to yo-ahaha!" Carlos said then laughed. "You have one job!" Jay exclaimed laughing as well.

"Let's try again." Ben said from behind the camera.


Jay laid Carlos down on the bed but in the process Carlos hit his head on the headboard. "Ah shit!" He exclaimed holding his head. "Oh damn are you okay?" Jay asked trying to stiffle his laughter.

"Why is sex so hard?!" Carlos exclaimed making everyone in the room laugh.


"Slow down. Bitch I said slow down!" Carlos exclaimed as Jay pounded into him. "Shut up hoe!" Jay said then stopped. "This is the most uncomfortable position to be when you're dying of laughter." Carlos commented as Jay pulled out.


"Wait what do I say?" Carlos asked making Jay groan. "Line!" He said making Carlos laugh.

In case you haven't figured it out they're trying to make a porn.


"So how does it feel to be taken by Jay?" Ben asked Carlos from behind the camera. "I don't know. I heard he has a big dick so that's a bonus." Carlos said making Ben laugh. "As if being in the room with his wasn't good enough!" He said making Carlos laugh.


"Carlos is like a delicate flower. That's poisonous." Doug said walking down the hall with Jay. "Oh my." Jay said laughing. He groaned still laughing as they turned back around to reshoot it.


Jay and Carlos were in the middle of their scene when Carlos froze. "Oh shit. Oh shit, shit, shit! Cramp!" He called out. "The fuck?" Jay asked laughing. "Jay stop goddamnit!" Carlos demanded. Jay pulled out as Carlos got off the bed hoping around like an idiot.

"Oh my gosh my leg is shocked as fuck!" He exclaimed holding his frozen leg. "This shouldn't be this difficult!" He exclaimed as the crew laughed.

"This is ridiculous." Ben commented.


"I-" "Oh wait!" The boom mic guy said cutting Carlos off. "Damnit boom mic guy!" He exclaimed laughing. "Get out!" He joked kicking at him.


"Oh no wait." Doug said turning the camera to a different angle to where his shadow won't be seen.

"It's all professional over here folks." Jay said laughing at his statement.


"Why do we laugh so much?" Carlos asked as they were still laughing from previous attempts. "Because we have nothing better to do because we can't fuck properly." Jay replied making the whole lot of them laugh even more.


As Carlos and Jay got back into position, Carlos sighed. "My ass can't take much more of this." He stated. Jay was about to penetrate him when he started to silently laugh. "Aah!" He said clapping his hands. "I'm so sorry that was just to funny." Jay said trying to contain his case of the giggles.


"Jay I have to let you in on a little secret." Carlos said straddling Jay. "What's that?" Jay asked smirking. "I forgot my fucking line again!" Carlos said getting off of Jay. "You're joking me right now oh my gosh!" Jay groaned with a smile.


Carlos was backing up as Jay advanced towards him. He backed up into the edge of the nightstand. "Fuck!" He exclaimed. "Are you okay?" Jay asked stiffling his laughter once more. "That shit hurt!" Carlos said holding his side.

"I'll make somethin else hurt if you know what I mean." Jay said winking at Carlos. Carlos face palmed while laughing.

"This was a terrible idea." He said shaking his head.


Just as Jay was cumming onto Carlos' face, Ben's phone rang. "Do not stop! There's going to be music over it anyways. Keep going or so help me." He said answering his phone.


Carlos was staring into Jay's eyes as they sexily kissed. "Damnit!" He said pulling away. "I looked at the camera!" He exclaimed. "Oh my gosh." Jay said face palming.


"Pocky and Rocky she tryna suck that cocky. Don't act like you don't mean it's 1994 so this bitch 19." Carlos mumbled to himself as he collected himself while they were on break.


"I'm bouta tear it up. Where my fries at? Punch you in the face where them cries at?" Jay said stretching.


"It has been a long day. I'm pretty sure I'm going to fall asleep during this." Jay said to the camera. "We're totally pranking him when he goes to sleep." Carlos whispered to Ben.


Just like Jay predicted he fell asleep on the bed. Carlos got some chips and water. He chewed the chips and swished it with water. It was gross to keep in his mouth but he had to for the prank. Ben then put whipped cream into Jay's hand. Carlos, careful to not wake up Jay, was on his knees with them on either side of Jay's torso.

Doug used a feather that was conveniently there to tickle Jay's nose. After a few seconds Jay put his hand on his face, covering it with whipped cream. "What the.." He trailed off then saw Carlos on top of him. He smirked.

"Hey babe.." Carlos trailed off then fake threw up on Jay's chest with the mixture that was warm from being in his mouth all that time. "Ew what the fuck?!" Jay exclaimed wiggling out from under Carlos. "Yo that shit is nasty!" He exclaimed as he ran to the bathroom. Everyone was laughing besides him.

"That's right guys. Pronstars prank each other." Carlos said to the camera. "It's a prank!" Ben said. "What the fuck is this then?!" Jay said wiping the gunk off his chest. "Chips and water that sat in my mouth for a few minutes." Carlos said matter-o-factly.

"Oh thank goodness." Jay said rolling his eyes. "Got 'em good!" Carlos said high fiving Ben and Doug.


"So how was it?" Ben asked for the aftermath of the video.

"It was really fun and a good experiance. I hope to do it again soon." Carlos said smiling at the camera. "I agree." Jay said kissing Carlos.


Yo whaddup my wattpad strangers! If anyone can tell me where those 2 little raps are from I love you and you are having a great life! I hope it made ya chuckle! If it did how about you..





Please excuse all grammar errors!

I think that is all I love you all and I will see you in the next update! Bai!

- Z Xx

Jaylos One Shots!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt