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"Sh*t. F*ck!" Carlos moaned gripping Jay's shoulders. Jay was getting it in in the bathroom at school. They will probably get expelled but that didn't matter to them. They weren't even together. They just loved having sex with each other.

" F*ck C.. " Jay moaned f*cking him up the wall. Carlos threw his head back little 'uh' and 'oh's coming out of his mouth. That made Jay even more hot. " Yes. Yes. Yes. " Carlos repeated quietly. He couldn't contain himself for any longer. They've been at it for about fifteen minuets. They are late and they have hickeys scattered across their necks that are unhideable.

" F*ck Jayy please. Daddy f*ck! " Carlos moaned c*mmimg onto Jay's chest. Jay moaned and came inside of Carlos . They would never use a condom at school ever. The faculty could find it and get a DNA sample and trace it back to Carlos and Jay . So Jay decided that it would be best if they just went protectionless and have unprotected s*x. Carlos and Jay do not have any diseases because they were tested.

Jay sighed out and smiled at Carlos . Carlos was panting with his head back. " Alright please go slow. " He said as Jay pulled his d*ck out of Carlos' *sshole. Carlos hissed and stood on the ground. Carlos and Jay cleaned themselves off and doused themselves in Cologne to mask the smell of s*x. Carlos forced Jay onto the wall and gave him a huge hickey.

" F*ck Baby. " Jay moaned smacking Carlos' *ss. Carlos smirked and kissed Jay . They got their backpacks and walked out of the stall. There was no one there thankfully. Jay and Carlos cursed. "Damn babyboy. You don't play. " Jay said looking at the hickeys on his neck. Especially the big one on the left side of his neck. " Neither do you Daddy. " Carlos said looking as well. " See you after school daddy. " Carlos said hugging Jay . " Can't wait baby. " Jay said kissing his cheek.

" Ight man see you. " Carlos said as they walked out of the bathroom. They bro hugged and then went their sperate ways. Jay ran back to Carlos and smacked his *ss one more time.

Carlos chased Jay till he caught him. They laughed and wrestled a little. Being all cute. Carlos laughed and then walked away. " Bye! " Jay said smiling. " Bye. " Carlos said smiling. He walked to his class.

Carlos got to class. He walked in without saying anything. " Why are you late? " The teacher asked. " I was held back by my last teacher. " He said walking to his desk. " She didn't give me a pass. " He said shrugging as he sat down. The teacher dropped the subject and started teaching.

" Aye Carlos what the hell happened to your neck? " A friend of Carlos asked. " Nothin bro. " Carlos said not wanting to talk about the subject. " Dam alright. " The friend said going back to his work.

Carlos wanted this last class period to be over already. He wanted to walk home with Jay so bad. He was going over Jay's house today to 'chill'. He was quiet the whole class period thinking of Jay's deep, hot, sexy *ss voice. His moan. The way he talked dirty to him. He bit his lip to keep from making noises. It was pretty clear that people were talking about him. He wondered how Jay was doing.

Jay wasn't doing any better. Everyone was talking about his hickeys. He didn't say anything to them though. He wasn't going to ruin what he had with Carlos for some stupid gossip. The teacher got really mad with the class and made them do a worksheet of sh*t they didn't even go over yet. Like the f*ck.

Jay was so f*cking ready for the bell to ring. After what seemed like an eternity the bell rang. The teacher held the class back. Jay groaned inwardly. He didn't have f*cking time for this. He needed to get to Carlos ASAP. The teacher finally let them out and he bolted out of the classroom. He was legit Jimmy Neutron all like Gotta Blast! He ran to Carlos' class and saw Carlos walking away from the class.

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