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Carlos was drowning in tissues, ice cream and tears. It hasn't even been 24 hours and he is already a wreck. He doesn't know how to function without Jay.

" Cmon Dude. " Carlos said standing up. He washed his face and then went out.

Carlos ran into Audrey. He groaned at the sight of the boyfriend stealer. " Oh hey Carlos. " She said smiling all innocent at him.

He looked at her with an emotionless face. " Why the long face? " She asked putting a hand on her hip knowing exactly why he had that long face. She smirked.

" Leave me alone Audrey. You already have Jay what could you possibly want? " He asked looking forward.

" Oh nothing really. I just wanted to rub it in your face that Jay is mine now. You lose and I win. No surprise there. " Audrey said laughing. Carlos speed walked away not wanting to be anywhere near Audrey.

He went to the field. He sat down on the bleachers sniffing as he fought the tears.


" Well? " Mal asked not in the mood for any if Jay's lies.

Jay bit his lip. He had to tell them what happened. He needed someone on his side at the moment.

" Well... "

Jay met with Audrey to discuss some things. He couldn't keep doing these things with her anymore.

At first it was playful banter but then it turned into something more. He hoped it never got to that point.

" Hey Jadey-bear! " Audrey said smiling at Jay. She held his hands but Jay quickly pulled them away with an apologetic smile.

" Look Audrey I can't be doing this with you anymore. I feel weird about this well I have for a while now. " Jay said looking at the girl.

" Oh I'm sorry Jaydey-Bear but you know that if you break my heart then you know what will happen. " Audrey said smiling at him. Jay groaned.

" Audrey you have to stop threatening me and Carlos alright. Leave Carlos out of this. " Jay pleaded for the hundredth time.

" Not until you give me what I want. " Audrey said smirking. " But I can't do that. I would never forgive myself. " He said his facial expression both scared and saddened.

" You will be my boyfriend or else it's bye bye to Dude. " Audrey said waving her hands on the bye bye dude part. " And of course it's going to be blamed on you because who's closest to Carlos? You! And who sleeps in the same bed as him? You! So who will he suspect? My innocent self. Or you? " Audrey said scaring Jay by how evil she sounded.

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