Chapter 16~ The Questions Are Answered

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{Jasmine P.O.V} (9:00AM)

I wake up and flutter my eyes open. I find myself resting my head in Ross's lap. I look up to see him looking straight ahead, completely zoned out.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask, bringing him out of his thoughts.

"Nothing, just how lucky I am to call you mine" he says with a small smile.

"Aw, you're so sweet" I say returning the smile.

"So have you thought about moving in yet?" he asks changing the subject.

"Yeah, I did. I was thinking about what you said and i realized you said something about a tour. Is there something I need to know about?" I ask and his face drops. Oh no.

"Um... About that, we'regoinontourintwodays" he says really fast unable to look in my eyes.

"How long have you known?" I ask, tears about to fall.

"About a week" He says with shame

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask a little angry.

"I didn't know how. You were just getting over what happened and I didn't wanna make you upset again" he says with even more shame.

"I guess I understand, but I just wish you told me sooner. What am I going to do now? I have so many questions without answers. I know, I'll call my mom. I haven't talked to her in forever" I think out loud.

I reach for my phone and dial my mom's number.

"Hello?" I hear on the other line.

"Hi mommy" I say with a smile.

"Jazzy Bear? Is that really you?" my mom almost shouts. She's been calling me Jazzy Bear ever since I was little.

"Yes mom, It's me. I'm really sorry I haven't called in a while" I apologize.

"That's ok sweetheart. How's it going in Cali?" she asks.

"It's ok, I guess. I didn't tell you about Blake did I?" I ask trying to hold back my tears.

"No, is he ok?" she asks getting worried. By now, Ross was trying to calm me down by rubbing circles into my back.

"He's.... Um..... He...... Uh..... Is gone" I struggle to say.

"What do you mean?" she asks getting more worried.

"There was a shooting at his set, a-and he got shot" I explain, trying my best not to cry.

"Oh my. Get packed. I'll be there tomorrow to take you home" My mom says when my eyes almost pop out of my head.

"No mom. That's actually why I called. I was wondering if I could move in the my neighbors. By the way, it was their idea. Not mine" I explain while wiping away my tears.

"Who are your neighbors?" she asks

"R5" I anwer almost immediatly.

"You're kidding right? prove it" She said unconvinced.

"Ok. Hold on a sec" I say. I put my phone on speaker and motion for Ross to say something.

"What do I say?" He asks suddenly getting nervous.

"I have an idea. Grab your guitar" I order him while pushing him out of the room.

"Honey, are you still there?" I hear come from my phone.

"Yeah, just hold on. Ross is getting his guitar" I reply

"Ok, I got it" Ross says sitting next to me again.

"Well, play" I command him. He nods his head and begins to strum the chords to Loud.

"Well do you believe me, mom?" I ask with hope.

"Yes, I believe you, I guess you can stay. But I'm still coming tomorrow to visit." She warns.

"Ok. Is daddy coming?" I ask getting excited.

"I don't know, but I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow." she informs me with a sad tone.

"Ok. Love you mommy. Bye" I say before hanging up.

I turn to Ross to tell him that my mom was coming, but he was asleep. Since he was up all night, I decided to let him sleep. To pass the time, I checked twitter. I log on and see my mentions blow up. There were so many comments from a lot of the R5Family.

@awesomenessofR5: you and @rossr5 are so cute together. #Joss

@R5Family4Ever: #Joss #Joss4Ever #IShipJoss

@RossIsMine: u dont deserve him. ur too ugly and helpless. he just feel sorry 4 u. #Joss4Never

I wish I didn't read the last one. She could right. What if he does just feel sorry for me? Especially after what happened to Blake? Plus, if I ask him, then how will I know if he's telling the truth? He is an actor. In reality, he could hate me for all I know. Ugh... I need to talk to Rydel.


Sorry this chapter took so long. I've been really busy. Last week was Pumpkin Show in Circleville. My parents are incharge of the New Hope Christian Academy booth. (My school) So the time I was home to sleep. LITERLY.So this is the longest in the book so far. More will be coming soon. So please comment. I'm struggling with writers block. HELP

The Move That Changed My Life Forever (a Ross Lynch and R5 fan fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora