Chapter 15~ I'll Think About it

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" Ross I don't know" What should I say?  I can't let them take me in like that.

"I do, you should say yes.  We would love to have you here.  You practically live here, why not make it official?" He explains

"Rossy, I can't let you all take me in like that" I tell him

"Yes you can" He says raising his voice a little

"What are you getting all deffensive for?" I ask raising my voice a little too.

"Sorry, it's just that if you live here, we could spend more time together.  Plus you could go on tour with us." He explains getting a little too excited.

"Ross calm down.  This is a big question.  I'll have to think about it.  Can we just go to sleep now?" I yawn as I get comfortable on the couch.

"I guess" Ross says while he gets comfortable too.  I just snuggle up to him as he puts his arm around me.

   Should I say yes?  I mean, I practically do live here, like he said.  If I say yes, then where am I gonna put all my stuff?  It would be cool to go on tour with them.  Wait a sec.  What tour?

The Move That Changed My Life Forever (a Ross Lynch and R5 fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now