chapter 4: Rough Night

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[Ross P.O.V] 

When the movie was over, I noticed that Jasmine and I are alone. I also noticed that Jasmine fell asleep. I looked at the clock and saw it was 9:00pm. Blake and I exchanged numbers last night so I texted him and asked if his sister could stay the night. Seconds later, he replied saying yes. I smiled to myself. All of a sudden, Jasmine begins to move a little. I try to stay still and not wake her. She ended up resting her head on my shoulder. I smiled to myself once more as I drifted off to sleep.  

I am suddenly woken up by my mom. 

" Ross, is this Jasmine?" she asks 

" yep. Her brother said she could stay the night, just so you know" I say worried she would get the wrong idea 

" sweety, that's fine. But why are you next to her? Shouldn't you be in your own room?" she asks suspiciously 

" well, she fell asleep while watching Romeo and Juliet. Then I guess I fell asleep when the movie ended" I explain 

" oh, well ok then. I'm off to bed. You can stay in here if you want. Just make sure you move to another place to sleep" she smiles getting up and walking out of the room. I looked over at Jasmine. She was still on my shoulder. I slowly begin to stand up when I hear a crack of thunder.  

" WHAT?!?" Jasmine shouts shooting to a sitting position 

" oh, sorry Ross" she says blushing slightly 

" it's fine. It was just a little thunder" I explain 

" Thunder?!? Oh great. I'm terrified of thunder" she says getting worried and starting to cry 

" hey, come here" I say pulling her into a hug 

" It's ok. I'm here. I promise I will keep you safe" I whisper to her. She puts her arms around my waist to return the hug. After about 10 minutes, I notice her grip loosen a little. I looked down at her and realized that she fell asleep. I slightly smile to myself as i slowly stand up. I gently laid Jasmine down on a pillow. Then I found a blanket to lay over her. I grabbed two extra blankets and a pillow for me. I spread one blanket out for me to lay on. I made my bed right next to the couch Jasmine was sleeping on. Once my bed was made, I laid down. I was unable to fall asleep. I checked tthe time and saw that it was only 11:30pm. I just laid there and thought about life. After a while, I soon fell asleep. 

[Jasmine P.O.V] 

" no.... NNOOO" I scream 

" Whats wrong?" Ross says with a lot of worry and fear 

" nothing, I just had a bad dream" I explain calming down 

" well, do you wanna talk about it" he hesitantly asks 

" No. It's ok. why hasn't my brother come to pick me up?" I ask changing the subject. 

" I texted him and asked if you could stay the night and he said yes" he explains 

" oh. Ok. Well I'm gonna go back to sleep. Good night" I say getting comfortable 

" Goodnight" Ross says getting back on the floor. Within minutes, I fall asleep with nothing but Ross on my mind.

The Move That Changed My Life Forever (a Ross Lynch and R5 fan fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora