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" I-i think i-i'm in love with you."

why did my life literally seem like some type of novella my Nonna would watch on weekdays oh my god.

" lmao ."

did i really just say 'lmao' ?? he literally
just confessed his love for you stupid !

" i didn't expect an i love you back but that certainly wasn't the reaction i was hoping for either."

shit... now i feel bad. should i just chuckle and act like i don't care but i'm actually freaking out !? or maybe i should just i don't know maybe lie and say i'm not sure about my feelings. even though i am sure... i'm sure i'm not in love with him... Justin is like a brother to me it's just weird.

" sorry i didn't mean to say lmao... i just didn't think you were serious. umm but i'll be going now bye ! so you can let me go."

he chuckles before letting me go. he was being so chill out of nowhere. did my feelings hurt him because i don't feel the same way ?

how did all of this happen ? i wasn't supposed to be loved by... i was just supposed to be hurt. i'm nothing more than a crybaby who pressed pause on her life. i made a bad decision that felt so good. the rush of just doing it running from him. but i shouldn't have done it i forgot who i really am... what he made me into a crybaby.

" Ariana you're crying what's wrong ?"

hearing Justin's voice soothes me down. it's in my nature to be so sensitive. shaking my head i ignore his question... i didn't want to. i wanted to explain but before i could start those crybaby tears came out of the dark .

the end !


me rn bc what even is this chapter that sucks balls

see my friends this is what happens when you make a book then you start to hate it then you realize the title has nothing to do with the story ATM so you use that word any chance you get. and so now you're turning this book into even more of a flop then it was b4 !!

I might do a time skip next chapter bc why fuckin not ?

also I just noticed this is like two pages long 😅😂😂

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