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this couldn't possibly be happening. i'm so young i was supposed to do things go places. experience things... shit i've barely experienced things people my age normally have.

i've barely lived my life to the fullest. i've just been crept up hiding from a very dangerous person who i fell in love with ? yes i know i'm dumb for liking that maniac i remind myself everyday. aren't doctors supposed to save life's ? i don't understand why they do the opposite and just scare you. i don't want to be a problem anymore.

" what's wrong Ari you haven't really talked the whole ride ?"

facing to the left of me to Justin who was driving. i didn't feel like talking with so much that i'm trying to take in all at once it's difficult. so i simply try my best to ignore him when he kept trying to talk to me.

" hey ! why'd you stop the car ?"

" wow she finally talks guess who's no longer a mute."

what bit his ass ?

rolling my eyes i sit back and go back to what i was doing... which was actually nothing now that i think about it.

" oh so you're just gonna go back to being mute okay Ariana."

i don't know why but it stung when he just called me by my actual name. no baby girl or Ari just Ariana.

" what the hell is your problem Justin ?"

i was angry to the max. i didn't realize i had even yelled at him until he gave me a puzzled look.

" are you mental Ariana ? have you really not realized that you're the problem ?my problem."

" yes thank you for reminding that i am indeed a problem ! the doctors already told me i don't need you to tell me too. a problem they can't fix !"

" w-wait y-you really are? wait what ?"

rolling my eyes once more i take a pair of headphones that you normally get when you buy a new iPhone. putting them on i play a random song that was in my music library.

" Ari i'm asking you a question can you please answer it."

pretending i couldn't hear him he lets out a heavy sigh and turns the car back on. us now on the road again leaving the car ride very quiet, the atmosphere thick from the awkward tension.

" i don't understand why you're so upset Justin !"

" I'm upset because you're ignoring me... just tell me please what i did ."

" you didn't do anything wrong so stop acting like you're my boyfriend my god!"

picking up my phone from the couch. grabbing my purse i head to the front door slamming it on my way out. i didn't know where i was going or how since Justin's car keys are inside and my car is stuck with... him.

" Ariana please wait !"

ignoring him i keep walking until he tugs my arm sending a couple of chills throughout my spine by just a simple touch.

" isn't this what you want Justin ? i'm your problem remember and your problem is leaving !"

" look Ari you know i didn't mean that i-i was just upset with you."

rolling my eyes i release myself from his grip walking ahead as he followed.

" can we at least talk like civilized people."

" i have nothing to say to you Justin."

" you're right you don't but I-i do Ariana."

looking at him confused he holds my hand rubbing my knuckles.

" I-i think i-i'm in love with you."

lmao why so dramatic?

I hate this book !!
p.s next chapter sucks booty !
p.s.2  chapter thirteen is pretty gud !

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