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a month later...

Ariana sets down her cup of brewed tea on the circular wooden brown table. soft voices heard as she scrolled through Twitter laughing at all the drama going on, caused by queen K. she somewhat patiently waited for Justin to get here already. hearing someone say hi to both her and Jason she puts her attention to them. Jason was sitting comfortable in his stroller eating a cookie dough cake pop from the coffee shop they were at, at the moment. watching as he pulled out the wooden chair that matched with the table, a warm smile glued to his face.

" wow look who decided to bless me with their presence and it took what ? only five years this time ?"

Justin let out a very sarcastic laugh. much like those Haha  ones when you're forced to pretend something is funny so your best friend doesn't fight you. sitting himself down in the chair across from Ariana he takes a gulp of the very overpriced water he had bought. he thought the fact they charged him ten dollars for something he eventually was just gonna pee out later was ridiculous... and quite weird if you thought too deeply of.

" sorry i got stuck in traffic."

placing his water down he searches for something in his pockets handing it to Ariana. she takes the white envelope hesitant to open it. ripping the envelope open she slowly scans the paper reading it very carefully, making sure to read every word written on the paper.

" so are you gonna tell me the results or just keep reading the paper over again?"

" i-i'm sorry i'm just um shocked."

" why what're the results ?"

" y-you're not the f-father J-Justin..."

Ariana choked on her words looking at Justin's sad and confused expression. he really wanted Jason to be his son. he truly believed that he was Jason's father, but turns out he's not...

Ariana lets out a small giggle that leads to a full laugh session, causing everyone in the coffee shop to glare at the two.

" what the fuck is so funny Ariana ?"

Justin rolled his eyes at her happiness. he was pissed off and aggravated. he also wanted to scream for the whole world to hear. but not in a sexual way that'd be very awkward.

" here read it dickhead ."

Justin snatches the paper and reads it very carefully. his eyes lighten up as he reads it. his smile returning on his face.

" i told you he was yours !"

Ariana smiles at Justin as he returns the smile back. replacing his grumpy mood with a more excited mood.

" when i tell my mom, she's gonna be so happy !"

" you're such a momma's boy."


sitting Jason down on his lap Justin smiled to himself as he waits for his mom to answer the FaceTime call. the camera wasn't on Jason just Justin so he could surprise her. Ariana was in front of them sitting on the floor as they sat on the couch.

" Justin ? i miss you so much my baby!"

" hi mom. i miss you too."

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