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Ariana Grande

- are you and Justin going to finally be together?

probably not... he's got his own life and im just a distraction...

" no you're not Ariana."

" shut up Justin i'm trying to seem dramatic !"

- why'd you stop breathing Ariana ? do you have a certain health issue we need to know about ?

i panicked that's all just stress and me overwhelmed i guess. I'm pretty positive I have 0 health issues. or any issues at all.

" besides your fetus !"

" oh my god Alexa you too !?"

- Ari are you gonna live ?

well at the moment I'm alive I'm not sure when I'll stop living so....

- Ariana what just happened?

guys i'm fine i just had a minor panic attack

- are you gonna be ok? well if you answer this then you're probably ok, ok nvm I'm weird

the doctors say it's scary i'm okay and are worried I'm not. I feel fine though. You're not weird babe

" hey you're only supposed to call me babe!"

" Justin do you ever shut up ?"

" only when i'm eati-"


" i was gonna say when I'm eating food..."

- Heyyyyy Ari we miss you so umm breathe again

Hi love... um who's we ? but well I'm breathing !!

- got any issues we should know about ?

i don't recall 😉

Justin Bieber

- Justin will we get Jariana babies ?


" are you gonna answer dumbass?"

" stop attacking me Ari ! I don't know how to answer this !!"

- Justin what do you love most about Ariana?

hmm that's a tough one there's not much to love...

" HEY !"

okay okay well for starters there's those beautiful big brown eyes of hers that you can just get lost in by just a simple glance. there's that beautiful smile of hers that if you just look at you feel the urge of smiling back or else it's rude.her unique sense of personality. she may seem shy and like a little scared child but deep inside she's a whole different person. a brave and dangerously beautiful woman waiting to break out of her shyness of a shell. the list goes on but I only have so much time.

- Justin do you like Ariana ? I know you do so just fess up rn..i'm weird but fr answer the question

yeah haven't you noticed it's pretty obvious

- Justin can you buy me pizza ?

yeah sure whats the address ? also what kind of pizza and how many ??

- boii I don't have no more questions for you so stop popping up

sorry ?

Alexa Luria

- how are you feeling Alexa ?

i'm feeling amazing thanks for asking. I just got a massage and oh my god it felt so good.

- Alexa, did Ari and juju have a love thing going on when they were younger?

I used to always ask and they just denied. I don't believe them though but if they're telling the truth then the love thing will probably happen now

- Alexa..I forgot you were even in this story no lie

oh... um okay...

(he doesn't get pretty writing bc he has an ugly soul)

- oh dylan.....why are you such a dick?

oh whoever you are.....why are you such a bitch ?

" hey can someone get me some beer mine is empty !"

- Dylan wtf is wrong with you?

nothing ! now go get me my damn beer !

- Hey Dylan! Do you want some milk and cookies? I'd gladly give them to you

I'm lactose intolerant

Selena Gomez

- Selena..I forgot about you...I'm not sorry..*cough*  I mean I am sorry

seems everyone did.. it's fine though love. hope we can put any of our confused differences aside !!

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