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narrators pov

" Dylan remember we're going to Alexa's later so you should start to get ready."

sitting down on the faux leather couch Ariana stretches her arms waiting for Dylan to reply but he doesn't. he just continues to watch some idiotic television show.

" Dylan i was talking to you."

beginning to get frustrated Ariana takes the remote control that was once in Dylan hands. turning the tv off she faces Dylan realizing what she had done.

cursing under her breath to herself she waits for something to happen but Dylan just sits watching her stress out. you could see a smile start to form as he continued to watch Ariana.

picking her up from the couch he carries her like a small infant child while running to their room. letting her fall back on the bed they both laugh in sync. Ariana enjoyed moments like these, where she didn't have to worry about anything bad happening.

" i'll get ready don't worry baby girl."

baby girl. he hadn't called Ariana that in the longest time. he only called her those two words when something good happened which made him extremely happy.

Ariana gives off a huge smile showing how happy she was.

" you called me baby girl."

" because you're my baby, my baby girl. now just wait baby i gotta get ready for Alexa's remember."

he winks at Ariana leaving her with nothing but a smile that made her cheeks numb.

arriving at Alexa's house both Ariana and Dylan wait for the door to be unlocked and opened. since they both knew it would be a small casual dinner they didn't exactly dress up. Ariana wore a simple black dress and brought a light sweater for if it got chilly later at night.

to go on with the simplicity Dylan wore a blank white shirt and some dark jeans. he didn't bring a sweater or anything to keep him warm since he was planning on leaving early.

" hey best friend ! Dylan."

the way his name rolled off of Alexa's tongue he knew he wasn't wanted here by her. she never thought Dylan would be good for Ariana but there was nothing she could do to change Ariana's mind.

" Ari i invited a friend as well to join us hope you don't mind."

" why would i mind, the more company the better !"

she squeals as she drags Dylan inside. once inside she sits down on the couch impatiently waiting for the mystery guest to show up.

" where's this mystery guest of yours ?"

hearing a knock on the door Alexa rushes to it.

" right here."

opening the door to reveal a rather tan male. Ariana studies his light brown eyes and golden brown hair realizing how familiar he looked. she watched as Justin greeted Alexa and how it was the same way someone she knew greeted her.

getting up to get a good look of him she gasps in shock to see his full face. his eyes lighten when he sees Ariana. this left Dylan confused on how they knew each other. only Dylan.

" Justin holy fuck is that you ?"

he nods bringing her into a very tight hug which she didn't realize she needed.

" hey baby girl i missed you, how long has it been ?"

once the words baby girl came out of Justin's mouth Dylan stood up in defense.

" sit down Dylan i don't need to be embarrassed by you."

the rest of the night Ariana and Justin talked to catch up on each other's lives. Dylan was furious the whole time and couldn't wait to leave but even he wasn't that stupid to cause such a scene. Alexa didn't speak the whole night only because there was nothing for her to say.

Ariana learned that Justin was currently in college taking acting courses trying to pursue that dream. he took classes in Toronto which explained his absence. she also learned that she had missed Justin a lot.

there was so much she wanted to talk about with him but couldn't due to how fast time was going.

" well it was great seeing you Ariana remember to text me okay, and thank you for the dinner Alexa."

giving Ariana an even tighter hug than earlier and waves at Alexa and leaves. Ariana and Alexa say their goodbyes and so then her and Dylan were off.

the whole car ride home Dylan didn't speak which Ariana didn't mind. she just was thinking deeply about no one other than Justin.


I told you jariana would rise but no one believed me

p.s Dylan is a donkey butt and he's so annoying like leave already thanks !!

p.s2 if you've read texts be on the lookout i may or may not have something special coming ur way

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