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narrators pov

" fuck i'm gonna be late for work !"

Ariana watches Dylan look for - whatever he was looking for. she raises her eyebrow as he groans from frustration.

" Alexa invited me and you to dinner tonight at six."

he glances at Ariana and then back to the floor. he smiles finding his other pair of sneakers.

" tell her we'll be there i'll see you later baby."

he walks up to her kissing her cheek and leaves. ariana takes her phone out and immediately calls Alexa.

" hey ari what's up ?"

" i told Dylan about dinner he said we're going, he's in such a happy mood today."

" not for long he won't but i guess see you later and bring some wine or something."

" bye love you teddy bear."

" love you too cinnamon bun."

the call ends and now there was nothing for her to do but wait, impatiently wait about 10 hours. hearing a bark she walks to the living room seeing Toulouse, her puppy, jumping. she bends down playing with Toulouse's ears fluffing them up.

Toulouse gently tackles Ariana bringing a smile to her face. leaving her beagle–chihuahua mix to lay on the bed she walks out of the room and into the hallway.

feeling her phone ring in her pocket she quickly answers it, wondering who would be calling since she only really talked to Dylan and Alexa.

" hey Ariana, it's Selena by the way. i was wondering if you wanted to meet up somewhere i haven't seen you in a while and i wanted to catch up."

" hey sel, and yeah sure wanna meet up at a coffee shop in 30 minutes ?"

" yeah sure ! we should meet up at the one near creek avenue i hear they have the best macchiatos, and you know how i love my macchiatos."

" yeah that's perfect i'll see you there in a bit, bye selly."

hanging up the call Ariana smiles to herself. she hadn't spoken to Selena in a while so she was glad that she wanted to hang out.

now having to walk back to her room because of the call she goes inside of the bathroom beginning to strip off her clothes. finally nude she sits in the bath waiting for the water to get warm. eyeing the small bottle of lavender soap she grabs it and begins to rub it against her body, her body now full of soap. she sets the soap bottle in the corner of the tub and washes out all of the white bubbles covering her.

turning off the faucet she rubs her eyes as they water a little bit from the steam. wrapping the towel around her petite body she maneuvers over to her closet to pick out what she would wear... to this "outing".

setting her warm coffee on the wooden table she patiently waits for Selena to arrive. sipping from her green straw she feels delighted since she's recently been avoiding coffee, but she just doesn't function correctly without it.

she became even more impatient when people began to walk up to her asking if they could use the spare chair. she would simply shake her head but would end up feeling guilty.

" hey Ariana i hope i didn't have you waiting for too long. i got caught up in traffic and for some reason i got all the red lights today."

" yeah i know how you feel. i was wondering why you wanted to talk with me."

" it's about Dylan. Ariana you need to stay away from him i promise it's for your own good."

" excuse me ?"

" look the other day i saw him in the club, drinking, the usual but when he's drunk he's not the same. i don't know how to explain it Ari he-he just scary."

" i know we don't talk a lot Ariana but i still want you to be safe."

Selena gets up from her seat and leaves as Ariana sips her drink continuing to sigh. she didn't really pay attention to what Selena had told her. not because she didn't care but because she knew already. she's witnessed it thousands of times.


i feel like this book is really boring idkdkdkks

are you ready for jariana ?

bc Jariana is near (next chapter so yeah :) )

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