Chapter 9

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I was already up. making breakfast for rin and lelia since they have still to get ready for school.

And kyungil was making a call. He has been calling since all morning.

I wonder if there something wrong.. but i guess it must be family issues.

''Rin!, lelia! breakfast is done!''

I hear their footsteps and sitting by the table.

I just greeted them with a smile. ''morning''

''Morning!'' said lelia cheerfull. and rin just said something simlar like that.

I started to serve out the food.
"Ehh.. where is kyungil?" Asked lelia.

"He is just making a few phone calls. "

"Oh okay" she went back to eating.

I looked at the clock after a while.

"Oh! Time for you guys to go to school" I said.

We all stood up and started to get ready but.. kyungil.. hasn't sit down with us for the whole breakfast..

While rin and lelia were putting on their shoes.

I checked on kyungil.
He was still calling..

Well I better let him know that we are going.

So I made a note that he can read.
I knocked on the opening door and he reads it.

He nodded and waved for bye.
So I went out with rin and lelia.

Walking them to school.

"Why is kyungil not going with us?"

"I don't know. He was already busy with calls this morning but don't worry okay?"

She nodded.
Soon we reached the school.

I saw the teacher by the gate waiting.
"Morning" she said.

I also greeted her back.

"Well rin and lelia. Goodluck and have fun at school okay?" I smiled.

They nodded and smiled too..
They went pass through the gate after a last wave of goodbye.

And so I went back home.
When I was back. I saw kyungil eating breakfast.

I went to sit down by the table with him.

"Done with the calls?" I asked.

He nodded.

"I'm wondering.. was it business calls or something? You have been calling all morning."

"You could say something like that"

He went on eating.

I'm getting really worried for my dad...

Kyungil looks at me. ''Is there something wrong?''

''It's just... i'm getting worried.. if my dad doesn't return soon.. then i have to quit school and find a job..''

I almost wanted to cry. the thought of losing my dad was kinda.. unbearble.

since also my mom would also not bear it... my dad is her scource as power to live on too.

''You shouldn't worry about it too much. since..''

Suddenly the bell rings. /DING DONG!\

Behind the mask (EXO KAI VS HISTORY KYUNGIL)Where stories live. Discover now