Weddings & Dreams (30)

Start from the beginning

My fingers rested on the armrest of the chair as I attempted not to tap them nervously. I sure was as nervous as I possibly could be. I was so worried that something would go wrong and ruin this special day... especially after what happened. 

I pushed out all the thoughts as I heard a knock on the door frame of the room. Luckily, I could see who it was through the mirror, and I squealed when I saw that it was Anthony and all the other groomsmen. 

Anthony had been kind enough to volunteer to walk me down the aisle, and Becca was willing to walk down with Maddie instead. 

"Wow, Ian sure is one lucky dude." He walked up behind me and squeezed my shoulder lightly, a smile spreading across his face. All I could do was smile and giggle. 

"I think they're ready for you to put your dress on now, some people are waiting in the hallway with it. They're just waiting for you to be finished with your hair." He playfully threw my now-contained curls over my shoulder before motioning to the people holding my dress.

"I'll let myself out, but trust me, I'll be back in just a few. Gotta let Ian know what he's got to look forward too." He whispered to me with a wink, earning a groan from me. 

I stood up from my chair and approached the woman holding my dress, who was warmly smiling at me. The lady slipped the gown over my head quickly, trying her best to avoid any single wrinkle. 

After that she adjusted the dress to my body before quickly zipping it up. I ran my hands down the front to smooth it out. Next was the veil.

The woman picked up the crown that had the veil attached to it and set it on my rather large head. We had to pin it down, a lot actually. 

After I was all situated, I turned to the full-length mirror in the corner. 

I was lucky I was wearing waterproof mascara. 

I saw actual beauty, which I had never seen in myself before. My body actually didn't look gross, it looked like how I wanted it to be. My face wasn't perfect, but I loved it that way. My hair was very bouncy on my shoulders and almost all frizz was eliminated. Tears formed in my eyes, but I forced them back. I wasn't going to cry today. Today is supposed to be happy. No tears. 

"Wow... I wish I could have told Ian about this!" Anthony came back into the room and smiled. 

I just rolled my eyes and turned around. All my friends were standing there, ready to go out and...

Walk down the aisle. 

They all made their way to who they were supposed to walk with, lining up in the order we had planned out and talked about for months now. At the very back was me and Anthony, his arm intertwined with mine as we both laughed uncontrollably. 

That's when the music began. 

I squeezed Anthony's arm a bit too tightly, earning a slight squeak from him. He gave me a reassuring look as we made our way to the entrance where the aisle began. My whole body seemed to tremble with each step, which didn't make walking in heels any easier. 

I heard the familiar Wedding March become louder and louder as we made our way into the main hallway of the church. All eyes were on me and Anthony as our friends separated onto the bride and groom sides of the altar. I looked up an Anthony, who gave me a reassuring smile and the music kicked up again. 

We slowly made our way down the seemingly long aisle, every step giving me an easier look at Ian. There was a huge smile plastered on his face, his eyes slightly glossed over. I gave him a warm smile when I finally reached the altar, Anthony squeezing my hand before letting me go. 

The priest began speaking, but I wasn't paying that much attention. I was lost in Ian's eyes. He could NOT stop giving me the cheesiest grin, and I had to hold back my laughter so many times. 

Suddenly I was pulled back into reality by the priest. 

"Do you, Samantha Whelan, take Ian Hecox, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you two part?" 

My heart seemed to be racing a million miles a minute as I spoke the 2 words that would changed my life forever. 

"I do." 

The priest nodded and moved on. 

"Do you, Ian Hecox, take Samantha Whelan, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you two part?"  

"I do." He said with a toothy grin and blazing blue eyes. 

"By the power vested in me, I pronounce you two husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." 

My heart was about to beat out of my chest as the words echoed in my ears. Ian quickly leaned in and passionately kissed me, earning a ton of cheering and whooping from the guests. 

A huge smile appeared on my face as he pulled away and we made our way back down the aisle. Everybody followed us outside, the church bells starting to ring as soon as we stepped out. It felt like something of a fairy tale, but somehow this was my real life. 

As I made my way to the limo that was waiting for us, I noticed something, a shadow maybe, off in the distance. 

At first, my heart sank. I was terrified that somebody else had come to ruin my relationship. But then, I finally was able to make out who it was.


She was now surrounded by a golden cloud, waving to me like this was normal for her. I nudged Ian in order to get his attention. 

"What babe?" He said with a puzzled expression on his face. 

I pointed over to where Grace was standing, and a huge smile erupted onto his face.

"You know, she's gonna be ours one day." 

"Yeah, and I cannot fucking wait." 

"Well then, let's get going. Honeymoons are a nice time for baby making." He said with a smirk on his face.

I smacked his arm and then we both busted out laughing. 

"You're such an idiot." 

"Yeah, but i'm your idiot." 

I just rolled my eyes before pecking his lips and entering the limo.

You're mine, and i'm yours. 


i'll be doing a more emotional thank you/end of story message soon, but I just wanted to let you guys know that and epilogue is coming soon!! the story isn't over, not just yet ;)

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